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Text File  |  1995-11-14  |  131KB  |  1,809 lines

  2. █████ PCBfiles v1.0
  4. █████ File Area Management
  5. █████ PATH: \FILEMAN
  8. 2ALL210.ZIP   [0]  2all v2.10 The Ultimate Archive Converter.
  9.                                | 2all will take all the archived files in a
  10.                                | directory and convert them to any archive
  11.                                | format you want, stamp each one with the
  12.                                | original archive's date, and if you like,
  13.                                | delete the original file.
  14. A-DATE.ZIP    [0]  A-DATE is a little utility which will sort an
  15.                                | ARJed archive, pick out the newest filedate
  16.                                | within it, and use this date to datestamp the
  17.                                | archive itself. This allows you to see how
  18.                                | old the archived program really is, instead
  19.                                | of merely when it was ARJed. PLEASE: read the
  20.                                | docs for setup instructions!
  21. ABTDL_10.ZIP  [0]  DOWNLOAD ABORT 1.0 PPE Do you have GIF files
  22.                                | on your BBS? Are you tired of users who abort
  23.                                | the d/l to escape file & byte ratios. Now you
  24.                                | can send a message to them and to yourself
  25.                                | when someone aborts their download!
  26. AC210A.ZIP    [0]  AC- The Archive Converter V2.10a AC is now a
  27.                                | menu interface AND a command line archive
  28.                                | converter. includes VGA support and file
  29.                                | listing to easily select files for
  30.                                | conversion. Supports Recursion and Much much
  31.                                | more! Enhancement Fixes over 2.10
  32. ACD_NUKE.ZIP  [0]  [NUKEiT v1.00 - CHRONiC FATiGUE - [PCB]
  33.                                | NUKEiT v1.0 is a program which allows you to
  34.                                | delete multiple files quickly, leaving a 0
  35.                                | byte file in the directory. Great for
  36.                                | off-line storage, so people do not upload
  37.                                | files which have already been sent to you
  38. ADDBAR11.ZIP  [0]  ADDBAR v1.1 This program takes a file listing
  39.                                | capture from a BBS which lacks the vertical
  40.                                | bars used to indicate secondary lines and
  41.                                | adds the bars back into the capture file.
  42.                                | Version 1.1 adds /D=mm-dd-yy to set all files
  43.                                | to the same date.
  44. ADDPCB21.ZIP  [0]  ADDPCB Version 2.1 - For PCBoard Sysops....
  45.                                | Aids the PCBoard Sysop by importing files and
  46.                                | their descriptions to the BBS automatically.
  47.                                | Optionally test the files using your favorite
  48.                                | upload tester. Can be used in the nightly
  49.                                | event or after a download session. Full user
  50.                                | interface. Many New Features: FILE_ID.DIZ
  51.                                | support, Description Modification Options,
  52.                                | duplicate file/description checking, Search
  53.                                | Directories for FILE_ID.DIZ's and More!
  54. ADFILE21.ZIP  [0]  This gem takes your downloaded files, looks
  55.                                | up the description in your capture file, and
  56.                                | moves both to the PCBoard dir of your choice.
  57. ADIZ11.ZIP    [0]  ADIZ v1.1 Reads filenames in a DOS directory
  58.                                | and produces PCBoard-format DIRxx file
  59.                                | directory with all FILE_ID.DIZ descriptions
  60.                                | imported. Executable program may be used to
  61.                                | refresh existing DIRxx file directories by
  62.                                | examining all files and preserving existing
  63.                                | descriptions where no FILE_ID.DIZ exists. Now
  64.                                | supports MSDOS 5.0, 6.0+, Novell DOS.
  65.                                | Freeware.
  66. ADS_0694.ZIP  [0]  ADS.DB for AntiAd and UpLoadProcessor - 06/94
  67.                                | Database update containing almost 1100 unique
  68.                                | BBS ad files. Merge this database with your
  69.                                | existing AntiAd or UpLoadProcessor BBS ads
  70.                                | database for optimium cleansing of your
  71.                                | uploads of annoying BBS advertisement files.
  72. ANTI133.ZIP   [0]  AntiAd v1.33 - The ultimate BBS ad detection
  73.                                | and removal utility. Uses 3 methods to detect
  74.                                | BBS ads: a conventional database algorithm
  75.                                | for static BBS ads, a keyword algorithm for
  76.                                | ads that are changed frequently and filename
  77.                                | detection for tiny BBS ads that are not
  78.                                | mathematically unique. AntiAd's keyword
  79.                                | algorithm can detect extensively modified BBS
  80.                                | ad files that fools other detection schemes!
  81.                                | Now includes a native 32-bit OS/2 version!
  82. APDZ30.ZIP    [0]  Apply-Diz v3.0 * Will scan for any file spec
  83.                                | in any directory and check for a FILE_ID.DIZ
  84.                                | or DESC.SDI file within an archive. If one
  85.                                | exists it can be placed into the PCBoard DIR
  86.                                | file. If no DIZ, and there's a PCBoard DIR
  87.                                | file entry, that listing can be turned into a
  88.                                | FILE_ID.DIZ and compressed into the archive.
  89.                                | Great for boards with lots of file traffic!
  90.                                | Fixed a few minor bugs. Now excepting Credit
  91.                                | Cards and providing Voice Support.*
  92. ARCID113.ZIP  [0]  Archive Identifier 1.13 A utility for
  93.                                | automatically identifying ARC ARJ HYP LZH PAK
  94.                                | SQZ ZIP ZOO GIF & JPG files by SIGNATURE, not
  95.                                | ext.
  96. ARC_CHK.ZIP   [0]  Check archives (.ZIP, .ARC, etc) for
  97.                                | self-extracting files. This little utility
  98.                                | can be configured to check for all types of
  99.                                | files. TC 2.0 source included, Public Domain
  100. ASV_DB15.ZIP  [0]  DiZ BOOSTER v1.5 A bugFixed version of the
  101.                                | best DiZ processor.. now u can give it a list
  102.                                | of file names instead of the random file
  103.                                | name! a MUST for ALL sysops!
  104. ASZR201.ZIP   [0]  Archive Sizer 2.01 - Fast! ARC, ARJ, LHZ, ZIP
  105.                                | Splitter. Archive Sizer by Jibben Software
  106.                                | splits and sizes all types of files,
  107.                                | including archived files. Will split to a
  108.                                | size to fit specific floppy format or to user
  109.                                | determined size. Files except archives can be
  110.                                | rejoined. Supports ARC, ARJ, PKZIP (1.1/2.x),
  111.                                | LZH, and HYP. Archives can be split so that
  112.                                | they will extract to fit on a specific floppy
  113.                                | size.
  114. AU116-4.ZIP   [0]  Universial Archive Utilities v1.16.04 Add,
  115.                                | Compare, Convert, Delete, Dir, Dupes, Find,
  116.                                | FixCr, Header, Orphans, Patch, Scan, Redate,
  117.                                | Size, Strip, Sweep, Test, Unarc, Whatis, and
  118.                                | last View. Works with *every* popular
  119.                                | compression program. Dedicated to the public
  120.                                | domain by The Society of Public Domain Dudes!
  121. AU116-4S.ZIP  [0]  Universial Archive Utilities v1.16.04 C/C++
  122.                                | Source Code. Dedicated to the public domain
  123.                                | by The Society of Public Domain Dudes.
  124. AUTODIZD.ZIP  [0]  ==================== PEGASUS * AUTODIZ *
  125.                                | Version 3.1 TIRED OF WRITING DESCRIPTIONS???
  126.                                | GET THIS!!!!! AUTODIZ will search directory
  127.                                | lists downloaded or captured, and add
  128.                                | FILE_ID.DIZ files to all your files FULLY
  129.                                | FUNCTIONAL UNCRIPPLED SHAREWARE NEW: SKIPS
  130.                                | LINE NOISE IN CAPTURE FILE NEW: EXTERNAL ZIP
  131.                                | COMMENT FEATURE!!! The PEGASUS PROJECT-the
  132.                                | Next GeneratioN ====================
  133. AUTOUP1B.ZIP  [0]  Auto_up 1.0 Beta This Program will take the
  134.                                | programs that you download and put them
  135.                                | online for your users to download all you
  136.                                | have to do is also d/l the file listing or
  137.                                | capture the new file list and put it into the
  138.                                | Directory that you setup for the filelists
  139. AZTOUCH2.ZIP  [0]  AZTOUCH VERSION 2.0 Successor to ARJTouch
  140.                                | will comment, redate, and test both ARJ and
  141.                                | ZIP archives. AZTOUCH is a nice utility for
  142.                                | those with large ZIP\ ARJ archive libraries!
  143.                                | Read DOC before using.
  144. BBS2PCB.ZIP   [0]  Utility to convert Maximus/Opus style
  145.                                | FILES.BBS to PCBoard DIRx style directories.
  146. BBSFIND1.ZIP  [0]  BBSFIND, The file finder PCBoard forgot to
  147.                                | include!. Now Sysops can find duplicate files
  148.                                | with ANY extention during the file upload
  149.                                | checking routine under PCBoard. Prevents same
  150.                                | file existing under different archive
  151.                                | formats. Returns Standardized DOS errorlevel
  152.                                | 1/0 for file found / not found. Shareware
  153.                                | files WHEREIS 4.0 and WHATEXT are also
  154.                                | included for compatibility only. FREEWARE!
  155. BCRC106.ZIP   [0]  B-CRC(c) File Upload Checker by CRC Signature
  156.                                | for DOOR.SYS based BBS's. Verifies ZIP, GIF,
  157.                                | JPEG and sfxEXE's while online. Generates
  158.                                | complete report of duplications on your BBS.
  159.                                | SCANS files after U/L for duplicates and
  160.                                | sends report to user & log. Scan's CD-ROM's.
  161.                                | Menu Driven. Now Supports Fossil. Converts
  162.                                | ZDCS Databases! Easy to setup.IRQ to 15,
  163.                                | Comports 1-4. RIP GRAPHICS, Many enhanced
  164.                                | features! PRESCANNED CD-ROM CRC Databases Now
  165. BLAB_068.ZIP  [0]  BOOMLAB v0.68 COMPLETE Upload Processor for
  166.                                | PcBoard. Coded by Gene Layton (BOOMER)
  167.                                | 09/12/95 Age test archive 6 different ways.
  168. BPC_FR.ZIP    [0]  -[PPE]- =FAKE REMOVER= -[PPE]- - This proggie
  169.                                | will help user who has accidentally uploaded
  170.                                | unwanted file, to kill it and cut the DIZ out
  171.                                | from the [dir] file!
  172. BPC_GU_.ZIP   [0]  -[PPE]- =GROUP UPLOAD! v.1.0= -[PPE]- -
  173.                                | Awesome thing! If your board is affl. with
  174.                                | some groups, then all their releases'll be
  175.                                | pumped to the special group's directory,
  176.                                | instead of common UPLOAD dir!!! -GRAB THIS
  177.                                | STUFF NOW-
  178. BPC_SD.ZIP    [0]  Sysop Download v2.0. Scan your HDD with the
  179.                                | NC style interface PPE & flag file[s] for
  180.                                | download. Also possible to set up a passcode
  181.                                | before running this prog.
  182. BPC_USM2.ZIP  [0]  -[PPE]- =UPLOAD S.S MODIFIER 2= -[PPE]- - it
  183.                                | works w/o any ZIPZAP/BOOMLAB etc!! Changes
  184.                                | the user's UL handle & also the main ULBY
  185.                                | string!
  186. BRG_ULDR.ZIP  [0]  BoRG uPLoaDeR FuLL SCReeN u/L WiTH
  187.                                | CoNFiGuRaBLe aNSi'S PoST iF PRiVaTe, aND
  188.                                | MoRe...
  189. BRV1B2.ZIP    [0]  Base Runner v1.o Complete TIC/Files & Request
  190.                                | system PCBoard & Files.BBS systems. Unlimited
  191.                                | databases, file requesting,hatch, wide beta
  192. B_CRCUT1.ZIP  [0]  B-CRC Upload File Duplication System. This
  193.                                | file contains the Utilities to add
  194.                                | Pre-Scanned CD ROM Databases to your B-CRC
  195.                                | System. You will also need the file
  196.                                | BCRC106.ZIP for full information on the B-CRC
  197.                                | System. V1.06 Release 6/24/94 by Deltronix
  198.                                | Enterprises and WGCG Computing.
  199. CAP2DIZ3.ZIP  [0]  -= CAP2DIZ Converter v1.49=- Extracts
  200.                                | 'FILE_ID.DIZ' files from connection LOGs or
  201.                                | ALLFILES.LST files (PCBoard format).
  202.                                | Automatically adds each DIZ file to the
  203.                                | correspondent archive. Supports ZIP, ARJ,
  204.                                | RAR, LZH and ARC archive formats.
  205. CDCONVRT.ZIP  [0]  Another Arena Production, Convert CD-ROM
  206.                                | files From most of the popular CD-ROM disks
  207.                                | to pcboard format, This program is
  208.                                | configurable to each seperate DIR listing
  209.                                | that you want to convert and create
  210. CHK4D100.ZIP  [0]  CHK4DES v1.00 - insures file descriptions!
  211.                                | Checks your PCBoard or other BBS file lists
  212.                                | for descriptions. Removes all "Description
  213.                                | not found" or blank description file names
  214.                                | from file lists created by DIZ extractors.
  215.                                | Optionally executes a batch file with each
  216.                                | file name that has a description, such as
  217.                                | moving the parent file to another directory.
  218.                                | A file list management utility designed for
  219.                                | busy sysops!
  220. CHKPC101.ZIP  [0]  Check PC v 1.01 - Dupe Checker/Mover/Deleter
  221.                                | for Planet Connect Sites. All of your mail &
  222.                                | files are moved for you. Simple installation
  223.                                | with full file comparisons including CRC-32
  224.                                | checks, works on LANs, log reports, pass
  225.                                | analysis, and many more features that can't
  226.                                | fit inside this little file_id.diz file. :)
  227. CISPCB.ZIP    [0]  CISPCB is a freeware utility designed to
  228.                                | convert the long and short file descriptions
  229.                                | used by Compuserve to a format similar to
  230.                                | that used by the PCBoard BBS system.
  231. CKDIZ100.ZIP  [0]  <> CHECK/DiZ 1.OO FiLE VERiFYER F0R PCB <>
  232.                                | FiRSTAMiGA-DMS/EXE/TXT/LHA FiLE_iD
  233.                                | CHECKERAVAiLABLEF0RPC (-B0ARD) ;) <>
  234.                                | ALS0VERiFiESTHE NORMAL PC FORMATS ! <> SySOPS
  235.                                | MAY MODiFY THE UPLOAD DESCR. !
  236. CKOT20.ZIP    [0]  CheckOut V2.0. Converts archieves between
  237.                                | types, scans contents for virus. Many features
  238. CLEANPCB.ZIP  [0]  CleanPCB v.1.0; January 24, 1994. FREEWARE
  239.                                | utility to validate a PCB style listing
  240.                                | against the contents of a directory. If a
  241.                                | file that is in the listing is not in the
  242.                                | directory, the file information is removed
  243.                                | from the listing. Use command line parameters
  244.                                | for single directory/listing pairs, or either
  245.                                | text or DIR.LST for multiple pairs. Option to
  246.                                | retain backups.
  247. CMFL_200.ZIP  [0]  [MS] CMFL v2.00: Custom Master File List PPE
  248.                                | [CMFL.PPE]: A Master File List Creator
  249.                                | written in PPL for PCBoard v15.2+ BBSs An
  250.                                | advanced program that will create & archive
  251.                                | an *up-to-the-minute* master file list on
  252.                                | demand. Select and Save DIRs, conf configs
  253.                                | and MORE! [MS]
  254. CNFS_110.ZIP  [0]  [MS] CNFS v1.10: Custom New File Scanner PPE
  255.                                | [CNFS.PPE]:- A New File Scanner PPE written
  256.                                | in PPL for PCBoard v15.1+ BBSs FREEWARE!
  257.                                | Color & Option Configurable 'N'ew Scan
  258.                                | replacement. Allows input of a # of days to
  259.                                | scan, flag files, or screen capturing scans
  260.                                | and MORE! [MS]
  261. CONAD141.ZIP  [0]  CONADD v 1.41 CONADD is a SYSOP's utility
  262.                                | that facilitates easy local uploads to a BBS
  263.                                | system. It will move archives to the correct
  264.                                | directory and at the same time update the
  265.                                | FILE LIST for that particular area. Works
  266.                                | with most BBS File list types. It fast easy
  267.                                | to use and can be confiured just the way you
  268.                                | want, also allows multiple config files for
  269.                                | local
  270. CONDUP10.ZIP  [0]  CONDUP v1.0; PCBoard duplicate file removal
  271.                                | utility. Fully PCBoard & Network aware get
  272.                                | rid of your duplicate file easily and quickly
  273.                                | with CONDUP.
  274. CONDZ120.ZIP  [0]  CONDIZ v 1.20 Looking for a decent
  275.                                | FILE_ID.DIZ manager ??? Look no further
  276.                                | CONDIZ is a complete DIZ management tool, for
  277.                                | both the SYSOP and BBS user. Add, Edit,
  278.                                | Delete, Create DIZ files and then insert into
  279.                                | ZIP or ARJ archives. Fully menu driven. Also
  280.                                | has a library feature. v 1.20 Adds a text
  281.                                | gathering feature as well as ASCII imports
  282.                                | from the
  283. CONINS16.ZIP  [0]  CONINS v 1.06 CONINS is a small command line
  284.                                | utility for SYSOPS & BBS users alike to
  285.                                | insert mulitple FILE_ID.DIZ descrietion files
  286.                                | into archives using a BBS file listing or
  287.                                | text file. It's fast and simple to use. If
  288.                                | you've got a lot of ZIP archives and are
  289.                                | loosing the battle describing the archives
  290.                                | then this may be the answer for you.
  291. CONVPCB.ZIP   [0]  Convert EXEC-PC & RYBBS file directories to
  292.                                | PCBoard file directory format
  293. COPYDAT2.ZIP  [0]  Copydate v1.02: copy PCBoard description
  294.                                | files, converting the DATE field to the
  295.                                | constant date found in the command line.
  296.                                | Free, with TC source, by Jim Robeson.
  297. COPYDSC2.ZIP  [0]  COPYDESC v1.02: copy PCBoard description
  298.                                | files, converting short lines to long lines.
  299.                                | Intended for offline processing. Adjustable
  300.                                | positioning. Free, w/TC src, by Jim Robeson.
  301.                                | Longer descriptions allowed, & minor tweaks.
  302. CRCADS21.ZIP  [0]  CRCADS21* BBS Ad File Collection Place the
  303.                                | CRC.ADS file in your ZIPLAB sub-directory and
  304.                                | delete those unwanted BBS ads from your
  305.                                | archived files. Feel free to edit the file as
  306.                                | you see fit. Updated 06/03/1994. CRCADS21*
  307.                                | BBS Ad File Collection
  308. CREWRD10.ZIP  [0]  WEEKLY REWARD v1.0. Weekly top uploader will
  309.                                | receive 10% of HiS pumped bytes
  310. CRLIST.ZIP    [0]  CRLIST.EXE v1.03 Create file-lists for your
  311.                                | PcBoard so each users can Download file-list
  312.                                | from a area there they want to watch the
  313.                                | file-list offline. Also strips PcBoard codes,
  314.                                | in logos and in the file list text.
  315. CVTMIX12.ZIP  [0]  Jonathan Richards PCBoard Directory Listing
  316.                                | Utility Version 1.2 This is a utility to
  317.                                | convert directory listings to Mixed, Upper,
  318.                                | or Lower case. The utility has an option skip
  319.                                | descriptions that have 5 or more lower case
  320.                                | characters. Also can convert entire
  321.                                | description to lower and the first letter to
  322.                                | uppper case!
  323. CYB02PDC.ZIP  [0]  CYBERPDC 2.00112 PCBoard (File) Description
  324.                                | compressor. Parses short lines, blank space
  325.                                | in directory listings into a consistent and
  326.                                | shorter format. v2.0 is a MAJOR BUG FIX.
  327.                                | Written in 2 languages: Microsoft QuickBASIC
  328.                                | 4.0 and FoxPro 2.0 RDBMS. Full source code
  329.                                | for both included. Public Domain! Not share-
  330.                                | ware, not crippled.
  331. C_SS12.ZIP    [0]  * SUPER SPOT V1.2 31/May/1994 * Okay this is
  332.                                | a new UPLOAD processor for PCBoard! The
  333.                                | FASTEST never seen and it checks all ZIP,
  334.                                | ARJ, GIF & TXT files adding files, removing
  335.                                | files, AUTODIZ included, Auto Archive
  336.                                | comment, auto cutting empty lines,
  337.                                | autocutting DIZ trader comments and add your
  338.                                | Own! Support Ram drives in TXT files TOO!
  339.                                | Randomize Your Add.Bbs File name to pack
  340.                                | into! Is the FASTEST on the SCENE, Try IT!
  341. C_UPLOAD.ZIP  [0]  *CHRONOS UPLOADER V1.0 13/Jun/1994* This New
  342.                                | PCBoard PPE Replaces Your Upload Procedure
  343.                                | With Cool Ansi And Fast-Simple Upload Starter!
  344. D2A140.ZIP    [0]  Dir.Lst Ascii v1.40 This program will allow a
  345.                                | sysop to take a DIR.LST and convert it to
  346.                                | straight Ascii. The program will then convert
  347.                                | it back to the DIR.LST format. Freeware!
  348. D2ZV100A.ZIP  [0]  Desc2Zip v1.00a, adds PCBoard Descriptions to
  349.                                | your zip files automaticaly. Can erase
  350.                                | existing comments, can add BBS advertisement
  351.                                | automatically, can process only files with
  352.                                | todays date. Can process a single file, an
  353.                                | entire directory area, or your whole BBS at
  354.                                | one time. Also configurable to keep an error
  355. DATER11.ZIP   [0]  Dater v. 1.1 A great program for Sysops who
  356.                                | like to show users or themselves when the
  357.                                | last time a file was changed. Takes a single
  358.                                | file or an entire directory and puts the
  359.                                | time/date/filename into an ASCII file. Can be
  360.                                | customized upon request.
  361. DAYFILE.ZIP   [0]  This Utility Extracts A FileName, FileSize,
  362.                                | FileDate and File Decscription From Anyone Of
  363.                                | Your (Specified) DIRx Files *AT RANDOM*
  364.                                | Allowing You To Place It In Say, Your NEWs,
  365.                                | LogOFF Script. It's A Utility To Run In Your
  366.                                | Daily Event, Thus Placing A NEW File From
  367.                                | Your DIRx, WITH Description, In Your Opening
  368.                                | Comments. SO EASY TO SET UP! No "UnReg" Note!
  369. DESCSHO1.ZIP  [0]  DESCRIPTOR A Showcase Utility! Authors can
  370.                                | save time by describing their Doors,
  371.                                | Utilities, and others in a classy DOS
  372.                                | Interface with Pull-Down Menus.Form Printing,
  373.                                | Sound Blaster Support and more! Shareware.
  374. DEXTRACT.ZIP  [0]  PCBoard File Dir Creator This program will
  375.                                | take a files.lst file and create a new list
  376.                                | with only the files that are found in the
  377.                                | specified files DIR list file This program
  378.                                | searchs for the file before it will post it.
  379.                                | A Cyber Realms Production
  380. DIARC200.ZIP  [0]  DiArc version 2.00 Makes a subdir for every
  381.                                | archived file, named as the archive. Extracts
  382.                                | archived files to those subdirs. Optionally
  383.                                | scans for viruses. Moves, deletes or keeps
  384.                                | the packed files. Perfect for your download
  385.                                | directory, or for sysops going through the
  386.                                | upload directory. Fully configurable,
  387.                                | supports every archive program and
  388.                                | virusscanner known to man.
  389. DIRCMP10.ZIP  [0]  DIRCOMP 1.0 PCBoard file list utility.
  390.                                | Compares two file lists and produces 3 new
  391.                                | lists. Two of them contain the files unique
  392.                                | to each of the input files. The third lists
  393.                                | the files that are common to the input files.
  394.                                | Very handy for those who do a lot of DL'ing.
  395.                                | Makes preparing Upload and Download lists a
  396.                                | real snap. Fully functional ShareWare. $10
  397. DIRCNT16.ZIP  [0]  DirCount; PCB/ProDoor File DIR Header Util. A
  398.                                | quick and simple utility to keep up-to-date
  399.                                | headers in your file DIR listings. Includes
  400.                                | other handy file directory utils.
  401. DIRSRT14.ZIP  [0]  Sort AUNTIE or PCBoard DIRectory files by
  402.                                | filename, date, or category. Version 1.4, by
  403.                                | Vern Buerg
  404. DIZ2P124.ZIP  [0]  DIZ/2-PCB v1.24 of 07.18.94 - PCBoard utility
  405.                                | to extract FILE_ID.DIZ in ZIP/ARJ/LZH/PAK
  406.                                | files, adds the # of files, newest/oldest
  407.                                | file dates and the uncompressed size. Local
  408.                                | Uploading. Removes unwanted BBSAds, archive
  409.                                | comment generator. Search and Destroy
  410.                                | unwanted text from entering your upload dir.
  411.                                | Adds the widthxheightxcolor of GIF files. The
  412.                                | fastest and most powerful processor out!
  413. DIZED670.ZIP  [0]  DIZ.EDIT v6.70 - A.R.I. Software Multi-Window
  414.                                | Full Mouse Control FILE_ID.DIZ Editor for
  415.                                | DOS, OS/2, Windows, and Chicago with DIZ
  416.                                | Import/Export directly from ZIPs. Import
  417.                                | Text, and Binary Files for Editing, EVEN FROM
  418.                                | WITHIN A ZIP! Cut & Paste any text with the
  419.                                | mouse! Auto-Import feature pulls descriptions
  420.                                | right out of your files!
  421. DIZIT35.ZIP   [0]  DizIt v3.5 -FILE_ID.DIZ Importer Sysops -
  422.                                | Stop spending time uploading files into
  423.                                | PCBoard with the local upload option, do it
  424.                                | via batch processing! Use DizIt to automate
  425.                                | the process. DizIt aids the PCBoard sysop by
  426.                                | allowing files which contain FILE_ID.DIZ or
  427.                                | DESC.SDI files to be imported into PCBoard
  428.                                | into any directory file you specify. No need
  429.                                | to check if FILE_ID.DIZ or DESC.SDI exists,
  430.                                | DizIt will snoop it out for you. DizIt is
  431. DIZPRO16.ZIP  [0]  DizIt PRO v1.6 - Description Importer
  432.                                | Sysops-Stop spending time uploading files
  433.                                | with local uploads, use DizIt Pro to automate
  434.                                | the process! Snoops through files quickly for
  435.                                | FILE_ID.DIZ or DESC.SDI and imports them.
  436.                                | This is the most full featured program of
  437.                                | it's type. Includes file age limits, random
  438.                                | file import selection, duplicate file in
  439.                                | directory or PCB index files, virus scan, use
  440.                                | as upload verification and much more.
  441. DIZTRIM7.ZIP  [0]  DIZTrim v7.00 (07-June-1995): Remove all the
  442.                                | unnecessary junk from FILE_ID.DIZ. Trims
  443.                                | Lo/Hi-ASCII, non alpha-numeric, PCB color
  444.                                | codes, ASCII art, user-defined keywords and
  445.                                | more. Can also replace PCBDESC.EXE for
  446.                                | PCBoard Systems.
  447. DIZZY100.ZIP  [0]  Dizzy v1.00 - The FILE_ID.DIZ updater! Create
  448.                                | template files using variables like TIME and
  449.                                | DATE and Dizzy will update them for you. It
  450.                                | can wordwrap and put your text into one of 15
  451.                                | different box styles.
  452. DOD_AF20.ZIP  [0]  - ADDFOFTv2.0 - This program will help you to
  453.                                | save ur HDDspace and to add ur BBSadvertis-
  454.                                | ments only to downloaded files.
  455. DOD_UP20.ZIP  [0]  Lars Upload Processor 2.0 Small and fast.
  456.                                | Able to test ZIP integrity, extract
  457.                                | FILE_ID.DIZ, check file date, replace ZIP
  458.                                | comments, add BBS ADs, delete unwanted lines
  459.                                | from FILE_ID.DIZ, add "Passed through" file
  460.                                | and do many other cool things!
  461. DOS2PCB.ZIP   [0]  DOS to PCBoard PCBFiler Converter Reads a DOS
  462.                                | directory and creates a file in PCBoard
  463.                                | PCBFiler format! No more entering file name,
  464.                                | byte size, or date. File can be immediately
  465.                                | edited using PCBFiler.
  466. DRS094B.ZIP   [0]  The Duplicate Removal System DRS v0.94B. The
  467.                                | Duplicate Removal System allows PCBoard
  468.                                | sysops to eliminate all duplicate revisions
  469.                                | of files from their BBS, thereby conserving
  470.                                | disk space. A must for the serious sysop!
  471.                                | Written by former Salt Air Sysop, Daniel
  472.                                | Chlarson. This release features improved
  473.                                | DesqView performance!
  474. DRUPR101.ZIP  [0]  DirUpper v1.01 - Utility To Map The First
  475.                                | Letter Of Each Word In The DIRxx File To
  476.                                | Uppercase. May Also Be Called From
  477.                                | PCBTEST.BAT To Process The UPDESC.x File On
  478.                                | The Fly. FREEWARE!
  479. DSPLT122.ZIP  [0]  DSplit 1.22 DSplit Unique PCBoard utility
  480.                                | which allows users to split & download files.
  481.                                | DOS and OS/2 (for PCBoard/2) executables!
  482. DSTRIP1.ZIP   [0]  [ PCBoard DIR File Stripper v 1 ] DIRStripper
  483.                                | v 1.0 is a PCBoard 14.5a utility that will
  484.                                | remove the Files: descriptions. FREEWARE!
  485. DWD100.ZIP    [0]  DW_Diz v1.0 * Will scan for any file spec in
  486.                                | any directory and check for a FILE_ID.DIZ or
  487.                                | DESC.SDI file within an archive. If one
  488.                                | exists it can be placed into the PCBoard DIR
  489.                                | file. If no DIZ, and there's a PCBoard DIR
  490.                                | file entry, that listing can be turned into a
  491.                                | FILE_ID.DIZ and compressed into the archive.
  492.                                | Great for boards with lots of file traffic!
  493.                                | Initial release as DW_Diz.
  495.                                | EXTRACTER Allows to extract the FILE_ID.DIZ
  496.                                | from ANY .ZIP, .ARJ, .LHA, .LZH, .DMS, .EXE,
  497.                                | .NFO,
  498. EX_LPAS1.ZIP  [0]  AUToSEND v1.0eta PPE Send Files Once
  499.                                | Automaticly To Users
  500. EZDIZIT3.ZIP  [0]  ==================== PEGASUS SOFTWARE'S *
  501.                                | EZDIZIT * v3.0 A COLORFUL and EASY way to
  502.                                | create and automatically add a FILE_ID.DIZ
  503.                                | Description to ANY zip file! * NOW WITH
  504.                                | HIGHLIGHT BAR MENUS* Lists all Zip files in
  505.                                | target directory COMPLETE REWRITE OF VERSION
  506.                                | 1 & 2 FULLY FUNCTIONAL UNCRIPPLED SHAREWARE
  507. F2_099B.ZIP   [0]  F2 V099B Files.bbs> Dir file converter
  508. FBBSPC12.ZIP  [0]  FILES.BBS to PCBoard DIR v1.2 Converts CD-ROM
  509.                                | files.bbs to a text file that can be read by
  510.                                | PCBoard 14.x/15.x.
  511. FILE1.ZIP     [0]  If you have all your files arranged in
  512.                                | different conferences, then this ppe is for
  513.                                | you. Perfect if you have each of your cd's in
  514.                                | different conferences, or your dir.lst in
  515.                                | different confs. PPE and PPS included
  517.                                | automate the handling of files failing
  518.                                | BOOMLAB v.43+. It can E-Mail the Sysop so now
  519.                                | you'll know there's files to look at, E-Mail
  520.                                | user, Delete file, and NUKE file! All can be
  521.                                | used in combination and set for each type of
  522.                                | failed test. (CRC/AGE/VIRUS)
  523. FILETEST.ZIP  [0]  FILETEST 0.01, tests the file extension for
  524.                                | over 20 different extensions and returns a
  525.                                | corresponding DOS Errorlevel. Great for
  526.                                | testing uploads on BBS! Sample PCBTEST.BAT
  527.                                | included!
  528. FIXTXT11.ZIP  [0]  FIX_TEXT v. 1.10 - Simple little utility to
  529.                                | correct the ???????? that EXZTest adds to
  530.                                | PCBPASS.TXT when it encounters a ZipFile made
  531.                                | with PkZip 2.04x. Changes ???????? to
  532.                                | Deflated. Now handles PCBFAIL.TXT also.
  533.                                | FREEWARE
  534. FLYDIR.ZIP    [0]  This is a PPE designed for creating DIR files
  535.                                | on the fly. It will not use FILE_ID.DIZ
  536.                                | descriptions, and will not use any part of
  537.                                | your existing descriptions
  538. FN110.ZIP     [0]  FLAGNEW.PPE v1.10; PCBoard v15.0 [PPE]
  539.                                | program that flags all new files in specified
  540.                                | directories for later download. Additionally
  541.                                | a capture file with all descriptions will be
  542.                                | zipped and flagged for download.
  543. FP067.ZIP     [0]  F-Probe 0.67 FREEWARE Version Automated
  544.                                | Upload File Testing for use with PCBoard
  545.                                | BBS's. Automatically tests for file
  546.                                | integrity, viruses and valid file dates.
  547.                                | Tests embedded ZIPs, displays progress
  548.                                | messages to user, low memory requirements,
  549.                                | highly configurable, and more! This is a
  550.                                | bug-fix release which now allows Sysops to
  551.                                | upload from "local".
  553.                                | C00L & FAST File Faker Complete Free Use!
  554. FP_219.ZIP    [0]  F-PROT version 2.19 - August 1995 The F-PROT
  555.                                | anti-virus package contains a virus scanner
  556.                                | combined with a disinfection program, as well
  557.                                | as a resident monitoring program for
  558.                                | intercepting known viruses. This program is
  559.                                | free of charge for private users, but others
  560.                                | are required to register or obtain the
  561.                                | 'Professional' version - see the
  562.                                | documentation for details.
  563. FREEFL12.ZIP  [0]  FreeFile v1.20 - Gorgon Enterprises, Inc. Are
  564.                                | there certain files that you want to make
  565.                                | freely available to unregistered callers? Do
  566.                                | they have trouble finding your free files? If
  567.                                | so, FreeFile is for you! FreeFile installs as
  568.                                | a Security Specific Command and runs right
  569.                                | after a caller puts in the password. FreeFile
  570.                                | also installs in the CMD.LST as a command.
  571.                                | This PPE is ShareWare - not CrippleWare, Beg-
  572.                                | Ware or PauseWare! $10.00US - and worth it!
  573. FT_REMPP.ZIP  [0]  Remover++! a great remover that kicks out
  574.                                | randomized files! (like AD'S!) and also
  575.                                | removes Lines from File_id.diz!!!! a Must for
  576.                                | all of ya sysops! For PCB 15.X+ ONLY!!!
  577. FUD-ULT1.ZIP  [0]  Upload Thanker 1.0 [PPE] For PCBoard 15.1+
  578.                                | Allows Display of multiple (up to 999) Ansi
  579.                                | or Ascii Screens after user has completed
  580.                                | uploading.
  581. FWKCS202.ZIP  [0]  FWKCS(TM) Contents_Signature System, ver 2.02
  582.                                | 1995 Mar 31. Shareware, all options enabled.
  583.                                | The premier system for recognizing duplicate
  584.                                | files and duplicate zipfiles; with important
  585.                                | features against software piracy. Can process
  586.                                | zipfiles with full zipped paths, recognize
  587.                                | individual current AV stamps. Run one or more
  588.                                | anti_virus programs, add new ones easily. 11
  589.                                | chrctr zipfile names OK. Now running on large
  590.                                | and small systems. Simple setup; clear docs.
  591. FWKCST01.ZIP  [0]  For use by large BBS's running the FWKCS(TM)
  592.                                | Contents_Signature System. Search your
  593.                                | CSLIST.SRT to see if there is any case where
  594.                                | different contents_signatures have the same
  595.                                | 32_bit CRC. See for yourself that the 32_bit
  596.                                | CRC is insufficient in comparison to the cs.
  597.                                | One case is a lot! Report your results.
  598. FWKED005.ZIP  [0]  FWKED(TM) Encrypt_Decrypt helper, version
  599.                                | 0.05, 1995 May 16 - to help provide
  600.                                | convenient use of PKZIP/PKUNZIP encryption
  601.                                | and decryption. A sample CodeKeys.Lst is
  602.                                | included. For convenience, a compatible
  603.                                | 128_bit_hash key generator, FWKKM(TM), is
  604.                                | available within the United States on
  605.                                | successful completion of the appropriate
  606.                                | registration procedure.
  607. FWKLU202.ZIP  [0]  FWKLU202.ZIP remote Lookup kit for use with
  608.                                | FWKCS(TM) Contents_Signature System Ver.
  609.                                | 2.02, 1995 Mar 31. Professional kit, with
  610.                                | Lookup, Lookupz, and Rcrosref. Registration
  611.                                | required after free trial period.
  612. FWKLZ202.ZIP  [0]  FWKLZ202.ZIP remote lookup_zipfile kit for
  613.                                | use with FWKCS(TM) Contents_Signature System,
  614.                                | Ver. 2.02, 1995 Mar 31. This helps you save
  615.                                | time and money: Use it to find zipfiles on
  616.                                | giant BBS's running FWKCS(TM) Version 2.00 or
  617.                                | later - by matching 1 file, even if misnamed.
  618.                                | Avoid uploading files they already have.
  619.                                | Typical pairwise statistical error rate less
  620.                                | than one part in ten trillion. FWKLZ(TM)
  621.                                | registration not required.
  622. GHOST12.ZIP   [0]  GHOST LOADER Version 1.2. This PCBoard util
  623.                                | changes the dates within PCBoard DIR files to
  624.                                | the current day. It will give your users the
  625.                                | impression that more files are being uploaded
  626.                                | to your system. The program can be set to
  627.                                | alter as few or as many file dates as wanted.
  628.                                | PCBFILER /PROCESS will return all the dates
  629.                                | to their original settings. That makes GHOST
  630.                                | a friendly, non-destructive utility for you!
  631.                                | Easy to set-up and run. Quick and painless!
  632. GIFCOL29.ZIP  [0]  GIF Collage builder PPE v2.9 for PCB v15.1.
  633.                                | This PCBoard v15.1 PPE command allows your
  634.                                | callers to dynamically build single GIF
  635.                                | images that each contain up to 9 pictures
  636.                                | extracted from GIF files posted on your BBS.
  637.                                | This gives them the opportunity to preview
  638.                                | the larger GIF files before downloading them.
  639.                                | Interactive and quick, your callers will love
  640.                                | this one! This is a fully functional
  641.                                | Shareware release.
  642. GIFTEST4.ZIP  [0]  GIFtest 4.016d (10/08/92), command line GIF
  643.                                | util for PCBoard 14.5a and ProDoor sysops to
  644.                                | test uploaded GIF files for errors and insert
  645.                                | resolution into the file descriptions where
  646.                                | the sysop desires. Returns an error level, so
  647.                                | works with most BBS software. Now supports
  648.                                | COM ports 1-4 at up to 19,200 baud! This
  649.                                | version fixes a config file bug. See
  650.                                | GIFTEST.HIS for what's new.
  651. GNS_FIL2.ZIP  [0]  GENESiS File Directory Lister! v1.2 ANSi
  652.                                | Configurability Unhigh/Highlight Color
  653.                                | Configuration ANSi Position on Screen..
  654.                                | Conference Specific!!.. Now Allows
  655.                                | Tokening/Stuffing for Easier And Quicker
  656.                                | Newscan/Listing
  657. GNX-QUL3.ZIP  [0]  Quick Uploader v3.0
  658. GNX_ED10.ZIP  [0]  [Tempest End Of Download .PPE v1.0] Here Is A
  659.                                | Really Phat ppe Just like the End of download
  660.                                | on temptest that displays Your old dl stats
  661.                                | and the transfer stats 99% Free of bugs! 99%
  662.                                | configurable Hopefully its 100% :)
  663. GNX_UP10.ZIP  [0]  [ Ami/X Upload PPE v1.0 - By Ticker]- The
  664.                                | best upload PPE ever written in Ami/X style!
  665.                                | This PPE is completely unique and clones the
  666.                                | upload as much like Ami/X as possible with
  667.                                | PCBoard!
  668. GZIP124.ZIP   [0]  Compress or decompress UNIX .GZ type files
  669.                                | -useful for putting in your DECOMP.BAT if
  670.                                | your providor using gzip on their end.
  671. H-RUCKGR.ZIP  [0]  Hack Report Upload Checker Gamma Release For
  672.                                | PCBoard 15.0 Sysops Only! This is a CO-upload
  673.                                | checker - it works with Ziplab, etc.! H-Ruck
  674.                                | checks the uploaded file against the Hack
  675.                                | Report IDX file and/or the COL file, and will
  676.                                | fail the upload if it finds a match. Prevent
  677.                                | known trojans and virii that McAfee can miss!
  678.                                | Disallows pirated files.... For PCBoard from
  679.                                | Maritime Computer -now faster & adds PASSED
  680.                                | screen
  681. HP_NS100.ZIP  [0]  New Files Scan v1.0 for PCB 15.1 This
  682.                                | programm is very easy in installation and
  683.                                | very convinient in scanning new files in all
  684.                                | conferences.
  685. HYP_FLAG.ZIP  [0]  FRESUME v1.0 The FRESUME PPE set is to add
  686.                                | all flagged files a user had in his batch d/l
  687.                                | queue before losing carrier to his flagged
  688.                                | files queue when he logs on again. So if a
  689.                                | user loses carrier they don't have to type in
  690.                                | all the filenames of the files they had
  691.                                | flagged. They can simply answer YES to the
  692.                                | question at login.
  693. ID10.ZIP      [0]  ID v1.0; Create, edit and modify FILE_ID.DIZ
  694.                                | and DESC.SDI files. ID is a menu driven ded-
  695.                                | icated text editor that will create either
  696.                                | FILE_ID.DIZ or DESC.SDI or BOTH file formats
  697.                                | and place them in ZIP files for you. ID takes
  698.                                | all the guess work out of using these file
  699.                                | description schemes and makes the authors
  700.                                | work easier. A must have!
  701. IDFILE43.ZIP  [0]  IDENTI-FILER v4.3 File Lister & DIZ/SDI Proce
  702.                                | FILES.BBS creation utility and much more!
  703.                                | Adds/extracts .DIZ, .SDI, and .ID's Creates
  704.                                | file description lists of your .ZIPs, .ARJs,
  705.                                | and .SDNs by extracting the FILE_ID.DI
  706.                                | DESC.SDI, or SDN.ID. The output lists are
  707.                                | PCBoard compatible and useful for importing
  708.                                | entire directories of fi into BBS file
  709.                                | databases, CD-ROM doors, etc... - Now has an
  710.                                | "interactive mode" that allows you to
  711. IDXUTIL7.ZIP  [0]  IDX-Util v7.0 (06-01-95) PCB 15.21 Utilities
  712.                                | List files in IDX File using wildcards. List
  713.                                | Duplicate files in an .IDX File. Also can
  714.                                | cross-reference two .IDX files and list Dups
  715.                                | or create a 3rd Index containing Dups or you
  716.                                | can Kill the Dups. Change Drive Letters in
  717.                                | .IDX files quickly, Edit Paths & FileNames,
  718.                                | delete files from IDX. Merge two IDX Files.
  719.                                | Detect which CD-Rom is in drive and change
  720.                                | DLPATH.LST files to appropriate .IDX files.
  721. IZ_FL_13.ZIP  [0]  FList v1.30: Allfiles List Creator FList will
  722.                                | create an allfiles list based on a set number
  723.                                | of days. FList is ran via your your PCBoard
  724.                                | 15.21+ EVENTS! Base each list on ANY number
  725.                                | of days, 1 or all file areas & from ANY
  726.                                | Conference. Download! (PPE) #1 * * Free
  727.                                | Registration * *
  728. I_M251A.ZIP   [0]  INTEGRITY MASTER(tm) V2.51a Virus scanner and
  729.                                | and data Integrity! Works well under OS/2,
  730.                                | Win95, Win/NT. Easy to use but protects
  731.                                | against much more than just viruses! Hardware
  732.                                | glitches, software bugs, even deliberate
  733.                                | sabotage are detected. If a virus strikes, IM
  734.                                | identifies it by name and (unlike other
  735.                                | programs) also indentifies any viral damage.
  736.                                | It will even detect new and unknown viruses
  737.                                | and now provides full CMOS protection!
  738. JDOIT111.ZIP  [0]  > [JUST-DO-IT v1.11] < [PPE] FOR PCBoard 15.1
  739.                                | WHY ENTER DESCRIPTIONS MANUALLY WHEN 90 % OF
  740.                                | THE UPLOADS USE FILE_ID.DIZ. NO NEED TO ENTER
  741.                                | FILENAME AND DESC. THIS PPE WILL MAKE THE
  742.                                | UPLOADING MORE USER FRIENDLY AND FASTER ON
  743.                                | YOUR BBS. REPLACES "U" / "UB" IN YOUR CMD.LST
  744. JM_FU_18.ZIP  [0]  Automated File Uploader v1.8 A nifty
  745. JSFRES12.ZIP  [0]  JSF-RES v1.20 - The Gif RESolution Processor
  746.                                | for PCBoard BBS. Fast and easy way to insure
  747.                                | all GIF files have resolutions in their desc
  748.                                | Features right justification and much more!!
  749. KL002B.ZIP    [0]  Kill 'Em Lines Version .002 01-27-93
  750.                                | Automaticly strips lines out of PCBoard 14.x
  751.                                | dir files Great for getting rid of lines like
  752.                                | "Files:", "Uploaded By:" and "Uncomp. Size:"
  753.                                | You just put the text to eliminate on the
  754.                                | command line, and it reads a file full of
  755.                                | filespecs to be scaned and Poof the lines as
  756.                                | GONZO! *FREEWARE* by Nathan Taylor! Have fun
  757.                                | and enjoy!
  759.                                | FLAG CMDLINE. TRY iT!
  760. LISTDIR.ZIP   [0]  Arrow Key Control for Files Sub-Sections PPS
  761.                                | Available.
  762. LISTPCB2.ZIP  [0]  LISTPCB.ZIP (Release 1.1) Creates
  763.                                | ALLFILES.LST for PCBOARD 14.5x Conference's.
  764.                                | Seperates each DIRECTORY in the list, keeps
  765.                                | extra DESCRIPTION lines, REMOVES UpLoaded By,
  766.                                | File: Date:, and REAL EASY SETUP. Runs from
  767.                                | your EVENT. NOT CRIPPLED! Only Register once,
  768.                                | see doc's
  769. LOCUPL15.ZIP  [0]  Local Upload for PCBoard v1.5; Utility to
  770.                                | locally upload files, import their
  771.                                | descriptions, virus scan files before
  772.                                | uploading, into any directory of any
  773.                                | conference on your system. Can be run in
  774.                                | event automatically. Major Upgrade release.
  775. LOGOFF7.ZIP   [0]  LOGOFF TESTING Ver 7.0 By John Kleinbauer
  776.                                | This is a Working BOARD.BAT file that gets
  777.                                | PCBoard to test files after the caller has
  778.                                | left the BBS. STOP!!!! users from being
  779.                                | penalized by making them wait online while
  780.                                | files are being tested. These batch files
  781.                                | used along with the program AUTOSCAN make
  782.                                | other methods of testing a waste of time and
  783.                                | money. This version fixes the problem of the
  784.                                | BBS droping to DOS if Qmail is used.
  785. MACBL1.ZIP    [0]  MACBL V1.0 Builds a list of your files from a
  786.                                | given set of paths. Simple to use & fast.
  787.                                | Great for BBS's, can use existing PCBoard
  788.                                | path file, or make your own. Comes with
  789.                                | complete "C" source and Makes for BC 3.1 but
  790.                                | should work with others. As best of all its
  791.                                | Public Domain.
  792. MACRM11.ZIP   [0]  MACRM V1.1 for PCBoard 14.x - 15.x Removes
  793.                                | files & descriptions from PCBoard directory
  794.                                | listings. Handles unlimited number of files
  795.                                | and dirs. Runs from constructed lists of
  796.                                | files and dir locations. Very fast and safe.
  797.                                | Saves tons of time when processing large
  798.                                | amount of data. FREEWARE
  799. MADULBY.ZIP   [0]  ULBYDAT v1.0: PCB PPE to display the Handles
  800.                                | used for the "Uploaded by:"-String (stored in
  801.                                | the ULBY-DataBase).
  802. MAKE1.ZIP     [0]  MAKE1-Text line joiner v1.0; Transforms a
  803.                                | PCBoard type file listing containing
  804.                                | multi-line descriptions into a single line
  805.                                | per entry list (each line can be up to 255
  806.                                | characters). W/ PASCAL source.
  807. MDCSCAN.ZIP   [0]  MDCScan v1.2 The BEST New File Scanner for
  808.                                | PCBoard 152! Completely Configurable, Nice
  809.                                | Ansi , FAST, Easy Installtion, FREE, No Nags
  810.                                | Screens, Wait Screens, Just A Great PPE! This
  811.                                | will Prompt Your Users During Logon To Look
  812.                                | At The List Of New Files Since Last Checked.
  813. MDFILE21.ZIP  [0]  Mighty Duck's FileViewer v2.1 <PPE> *
  814.                                | FileViewing PPE for PCBoard. Fully seemless
  815.                                | operation. No stupid pauses, no registration
  816.                                | (it's FREEWARE), and no nags. Displays files
  817.                                | in ZIP (only supports ZIP) along the top of
  818.                                | the screen. Checks file integrity before
  819.                                | tagging to download. Able to retreive a file
  820.                                | in zip for separate download. Many more
  821.                                | functions... <Source included>
  822. MEGALIST.ZIP  [0]  * Finally! MegaLister 2.04 * * Tired of your
  823.                                | old lame * * PCB file lister? take * * dis
  824.                                | great util! a real * * FileLister that looks
  825.                                | * * and acts and has all the * * options in
  826.                                | vision/x file * * listers! *
  827. MFLAG30.ZIP   [0]  MFLaggi v3.00 Multiflagsystem PCBoard
  828.                                | [RATEC][AUSTRIA] Multilingual PPE !!! 1.
  829.                                | FILETAGGING by Cursormovement 2. Norton
  830.                                | Commander Style/Toggle 3. DIRECT download
  831.                                | from Filelist 4. DESCRIPTIONGRABBER in
  832.                                | Preview 5. Mark/Toggle/Erase from DL-LIST 6.
  833.                                | SAVE/RESUME/RESTORE Function Official
  834.                                | PCBdistributor AUSTRIA
  835. MKDIR.ZIP     [0]  MKDIR.PPE is a PPE designed to create DIR
  836.                                | files from the files available on the hard
  837.                                | drive. THIS WILL NOT IMPORT FILE_ID.DIZ
  838.                                | DESCRIPTIONS! READ THE DOC FILE BEFORE USING
  839.                                | IT, AS IT WILL DELETE YOUR CURRENT DIR FILES
  840.                                | BEFORE CREATING NEW ONES! It is designed for
  841.                                | corporations, or people wqho do not wish file
  842.                                | descriptions and file maintenance through
  843.                                | PCBFiler.
  844. MKDIZ-12.ZIP  [0]  MakeDiz Version 1.2 Create FILE_ID.DIZ quick
  845.                                | and easy for your will create and ZIP it into
  846.                                | the file of your choice, V1.2 minor cosmetic
  847.                                | change !!
  848. MKPCBD11.ZIP  [0]  MKPCBDIR.EXE V1.1 will convert a regular DOS
  849.                                | directory listing stored in a file by using
  850.                                | "dir/o > dirname.raw" to a PCBoard directory
  851.                                | list. This was designed to create directory
  852.                                | lists for CD-ROMs which are not BBS ready.
  853.                                | Make your directory list and let MKPCBDIR.EXE
  854.                                | do the rest. V1.1 fixes bug in V1.0 related
  855.                                | to 3 and 10 character file sizes. Brought to
  856.                                | you by PROJECT DAMOCLES.
  857. MKPCBDIR.ZIP  [0]  MKPCBDIR.EXE V1.0 will convert a regular DOS
  858.                                | directory listing stored in a file by using
  859.                                | "dir/o > dirname.raw" to a PCBoard directory
  860.                                | list. This was designed to create directory
  861.                                | lists for CD-ROMs which are not BBS ready.
  862.                                | Make your directory list and let MKPCBDIR.EXE
  863.                                | do the rest. Brought to you by PROJECT
  864.                                | DAMOCLES.
  865. MLDESC22.ZIP  [0]  MLDescribe 2.02 - Upload description (DIZ)
  866.                                | processor for PCBoard. Works with ZIP, ARJ,
  867.                                | LZH and ARC archive files, defuses 'archive
  868.                                | bombs'. Optionally removes 'boxes', control
  869.                                | codes and @macros. Smart mode intelligently
  870.                                | inserts even badly formatted descriptions; no
  871.                                | more mangled directory listings! Optional log
  872.                                | file and much, much more.
  873. MODCOM21.ZIP  [0]  < MODCOM v2.1> ModCom is a program that will
  874.                                | put advertisements in MOD files for sysops.
  875.                                | It is a must have for MODS. Doesn't overwrite
  876.                                | sample text. Get the advantage that MUSIC
  877.                                | CHANNEL BBS has had for years, SHAREWARE,
  878.                                | $15. Works in full, limited lines although
  879. MSTRLIST.ZIP  [0]  MSTRLIST.PPE v1.00a - Compiled on 04-25-93
  880.                                | PCBoard 15.0 - [PPE] program that will let
  881.                                | your user create a customized allfiles.zip I
  882.                                | could use a hand with this program, I've
  883.                                | wrote all the code and the program does do
  884.                                | what it is suppose to do, I would like to
  885.                                | optimize it a little better than it is.
  886.                                | Complete Source Code Included.
  887. NCAV48B9.ZIP  [0]  AVIEW V4.8 Beta-9, 24-Jan-95, The Norton
  888.                                | Commander Archive Viewer. A small utility to
  889.                                | manipulate ARC, ARJ, HYP, LZH, PAK, RAR, SQZ,
  890.                                | UC2, ZIP and ZOO files, lots of options, can
  891.                                | be fully mouse-operated, very easy to use,
  892.                                | can also be used as stand-alone utility.
  893.                                | *FREEWARE* * PUBLIC BETA RELEASE*
  894. NETLGO12.ZIP  [0]  NetLOGO V1.2 - Will insert a Text file into
  895.                                | your Zip's as a LOGO. NOT CRIPPLED in any
  896.                                | way, no extra's inserted into your ZIP file,
  897.                                | just the logo. $10.00 Shareware. NOW WITH BBS
  898.                                | SUPPORT and SET COMMAND SUPPORT AND PATH
  899.                                | SEARCH FACILITY - WORKS ON NOVELL'S SEARCH
  900.                                | MAPPINGS AS WELL.
  901. NEWFILES.ZIP  [0]  NEWFILES.ZIP 2257 09-01-93 Newfiles.ppe -
  902.                                | allows users to do a new files scan, make a
  903.                                | list of the new files, zip them up and mark
  904.                                | the list for download. If the user wants to
  905.                                | download the files, the ppe will flag the
  906.                                | files for download.
  907. NEWFLAG4.ZIP  [0]  NEWFLAG.PPE 4.0 - a Modification of FLAG. by
  908.                                | David Terry. This PPE replaces FLAG.PPE in
  909.                                | your FLAG directory and keeps track of files
  910.                                | downloaded by each user, then, when they
  911.                                | display the directory listing, it prints a
  912.                                | "@" (Blinking Yellow @) by the files they
  913.                                | have already downloaded.. That way, they
  914.                                | won't download a file twice that they don't
  915.                                | want to. MAJOR BUG FIX!!!
  916. NEWSCAN2.ZIP  [0]  v2.0 PPE Will ask your callers if they would
  917.                                | like to see a list of the new files added to
  918.                                | the system since there last file scan. (If
  919.                                | there are any) As soon as they logon. (C)1994
  920.                                | Bill Masuka
  921. NLSTVT11.ZIP  [0]  NeW LiST V1.1 PPE for PCB written by Thomas
  922.                                | De Quincy. This PPE will scan your filelists
  923.                                | and create a ZIP-file with all the new files
  924.                                | from a certain date and download the file.
  925.                                | Extremely fast and easy to setup. A must for
  926.                                | every PCBoard system. NOT CRIPPLED!!!
  927. NUFLAG12.ZIP  [0]  [PPE] Major Upgrade to FLAG.PPE! (BUG fix for
  928.                                | Xmodem/CRC & CAPSLOCK) controls NON-batch
  929.                                | protocol users, and users that have NO
  930.                                | default protocol selected. (Major shortcoming
  931.                                | of original FLAG.PPE was that batch mode
  932.                                | protocol by user was assummed!). If non-batch
  933.                                | protocol in use, flagged file will be offered
  934.                                | for downloading immediately or (C)ancel,
  935.                                | (H)elp. If default protocol ="N", then user
  936.                                | is forced to select a protocol by PPE before
  937. NUSCAN.ZIP    [0]  NuScan 7.17 [PPE program for PCBoard] This
  938.                                | program will let your callers know at login
  939.                                | when NEW files have been uploaded to your
  940.                                | system & will then give them the opportunity
  941.                                | to view and or download them.
  942. NUSCAN5.ZIP   [0]  FREE! NEWSCAN 5.0a FREE! Will ask your
  943.                                | callers if they would like to see a list of
  944.                                | the new files added to the system since there
  945.                                | last file scan. (If there are any) As soon as
  946.                                | they logon. NOW - FREEWARE!
  947. OFFLINE.ZIP   [0]  Convert an entire DIR TEXT file DATES to
  948.                                | "OFF-LINE". This comes in handy if you need
  949.                                | to mark an entire DIR TEXT file offline real
  950.                                | QUICK! Includes C Source Code. The source
  951.                                | code is commented very well. Compiled with
  952.                                | TopSpeed C (Includes .PR file for TopSpeed)
  953. P!-STRIP.ZIP  [0]  STRiP/DiZ V1.0
  954. PCB-KDIR.ZIP  [0]  KEDIT 4.0 KEX macros to convert DOS 5.0 DIR
  955.                                | list into PCBoard DIR list format.
  956. PCBBET30.ZIP  [0]  PCB-Beta door v3.0. Simplies the task of
  957.                                | distributing files to your customers. Very
  958.                                | easy to use! Can be used to distribute files
  959.                                | that have been released, updates, beta or
  960.                                | alpha testing. Works with PCBoard 14.5
  961.                                | through 15.x
  962. PCBCK303.ZIP  [0]  PCBCheck 3.03 Upload processor for PCBoard
  963.                                | (OS/2) - easiest to use and set up. Fastest
  964.                                | upload processing available!
  965. PCBCVT10.ZIP  [0]  PCBoard -> TBBS File Directory Convertor by
  966.                                | Chris Frankforther - FREE
  967. PCBDESC5.ZIP  [0]  PCBDescribe Version 5.20 09/07/94 release. A
  968.                                | utility for PCBoard systems that detects
  969.                                | description files included in uploaded files
  970.                                | and uses the contents as the upload
  971.                                | description. Optionally appends a line
  972.                                | indicating the number of files and the dates
  973.                                | of both the oldest and the newest files in
  974.                                | the ZIP file. Supports ZIP/ARJ/LZH/PAK/ARC.
  975.                                | Version 5.20 adds support for SDN files in
  976.                                | both PAK and ARJ formats.
  977. PCBDIZ11.ZIP  [0]  PCBDIZ 1.1, PCBoard 14.5a utility to scan
  978.                                | ZIP, LZH, and ARJ files for FILE_ID.DIZ and
  979.                                | insert the description if found. Includes
  980.                                | options for adding the number of files,
  981.                                | oldest/newest file dates, uncompressed size
  982.                                | of the archive, and AV information for ZIPs
  983.                                | to the description.
  984. PCBFAE09.ZIP  [0]  PC-Board File Area Editor 0.9c This program
  985.                                | is the most complete editor available for the
  986.                                | PC-Board BBS software. FAE can manage all
  987.                                | your file areas with such ease, you'll wonder
  988.                                | how you ever managed without it. First Wide
  989.                                | Beta Release!
  990. PCBFDV11.ZIP  [0]  PCBoard Dummy File Generator v1.1. This
  991.                                | utility will allow you to prevent uploads of
  992.                                | files that you already have in other
  993.                                | Conferences. Generates dummy (0 byte) files
  994.                                | that can be indexed and placed at the end of
  995.                                | your PCBoard 14.5x DIR.LST in each
  996.                                | Conference. A MUST HAVE for any PCBoard SysOp
  997.                                | that uses multiple Conferences to segregate
  998.                                | file types. SysOp configurable and ideal to
  999.                                | run as a nightly event. Read PCBFDUMY.DOC for
  1000. PCBFV385.ZIP  [0]  PCBFV 3.85 - PCBoard Compressed File Viewer.
  1001.                                | Views ZIP, ARJ, LZH, ARC, PAK and SFX files.
  1002.                                | Read individual text files. Search for text
  1003.                                | while reading. Extract individual files for
  1004.                                | separate download. Displays GIF dimensions.
  1005.                                | Highly Sysop configurable. Seamless. Use in
  1006.                                | PCBoard's PCBVIEW.BAT or as a local utility.
  1007.                                | Includes FVMM for use in PCBFiler's ALT-V.
  1008.                                | 1994 WINNER: PCBOARD FAVORITE ADD-ON CONTEST.
  1009. PCBFX23.ZIP   [0]  PCBFX 2.3 PCBoard File History/Profile Door.
  1010.                                | Reports times downloaded, who uploaded, date
  1011.                                | of upload, last date downloaded, are time or
  1012.                                | bytes charged, enough time or bytes and more.
  1013.                                | Number of files in ZIP & oldest/newest dates.
  1014.                                | Conference block on 'who uploaded'. SEAMLESS.
  1015.                                | Creates DOWNLOAD.TXT database, INSTANT scans.
  1016.                                | Compiles a "top 50 downloads" profile report.
  1017.                                | Provides special Uploader and Sysop reports.
  1018. PCBGRAB4.ZIP  [0]  PCBoard 15.1 Description Grabber V4 Now Is
  1019.                                | SUPER FAST! Uses PCBoard's .IDX files.
  1020.                                | Average time is less the 4 secs! This PPE
  1021.                                | will allow your users to down- load the
  1022.                                | descriptions to the files they are
  1023.                                | downloading along with their batch! This way,
  1024.                                | they know what files are in their download
  1025.                                | directory a week from now when they can no
  1026.                                | longer remember. Super easy to install, and
  1027.                                | maintenance
  1028. PCBIMP13.ZIP  [0]  PCB'MPORT v1.3 for PCBoard Sysops; Find file
  1029.                                | descriptions from either FILE_ID.DIZ or
  1030.                                | captured file listing(s) & (optionally) move
  1031.                                | file to a different directory based on key
  1032.                                | words in that description, place description
  1033.                                | in the appropriate listing. With options to
  1034.                                | add a "FILE_ID.DIZ" to archives that don't
  1035.                                | have them, remove graphic characters, match
  1036.                                | on names with different extensions, & more!
  1037.                                | #* FREEWARE *# v1.3 W/bug fix & new features!
  1038. PCBM102.ZIP   [0]  [ PCBMOVE Version 1.02 ] PCBoard utility for
  1039.                                | lazy sysops. PCBMove let's your
  1040.                                | users/co-sysops move files and their
  1041.                                | descriptions across the directories of your
  1042.                                | BBS, either online as a door, or offline by
  1043.                                | leaving a message to PCBMove. French and
  1044.                                | English documentation. C source included.
  1045.                                | Freeware
  1046. PCBU143B.ZIP  [0]  PCBULT - v1.43 :by FeatherNet Software, Inc
  1047.                                | An outstanding PCBoard Upload Tester & Files
  1048.                                | Converter. Tests passing archive *WHILE ON-
  1049.                                | LINE*! Supports FILE_ID.DIZ and DESC.SDI.
  1050.                                | Optional convertion of archive to ARJ, ZIP,
  1051.                                | or LHA format. Deletes nuisance BBS ads and
  1052.                                | inserts archive comment, tests .GIF and .TD0
  1053.                                | files. Swaps to XMS, EMS or Disk. Includes
  1054.                                | easy configuration program. * MUCH MORE *
  1055.                                | 100% Functional - NOT CRIPPLED or KEYED!
  1056. PCBUDC10.ZIP  [0]  PCBoard Upload Date Checker (PCBUPDC) v1.0 A
  1057.                                | program for checking the contents of .ZIP
  1058.                                | files for old file. Designed as an add-on to
  1059.                                | CAMS-CRC but will work with any upload
  1060.                                | checker, simply run it after any upload
  1061.                                | checker in PCBTEST.BAT. During the processing
  1062.                                | of .ZIP files, it looks at the information of
  1063.                                | .COM, .EXE and .O* files within the .ZIP,
  1064.                                | compares the date of with the oldest file
  1065.                                | date that you set in the config file.
  1066. PCBULT14.ZIP  [0]  PCBULT - v1.40 by: FeatherNet Software, Inc.
  1067.                                | An outstanding PCBoard Upload Tester & Files
  1068.                                | Converter. Tests passing archive *WHILE ON-
  1069.                                | LINE*! Supports FILE_ID.DIZ and DESC.SDI.
  1070.                                | Optional convertion of archive to ARJ, ZIP,
  1071.                                | or LHA format. Deletes nuisance BBS ads and
  1072.                                | inserts archive comment, tests .GIF and .TD0
  1073.                                | files. Swaps to XMS, EMS or Disk. Includes
  1074.                                | easy configuration program. * MUCH MORE *
  1075.                                | 100% Functional - NOT CRIPPLED or KEYED!
  1076. PCBUPLD.ZIP   [0]  PCBTEST utility to post the individuals name
  1077.                                | (as PCBoard does and security level.
  1078. PCBVED10.ZIP  [0]  *PCBOARD UPLOAD DIR MANAGER* This Amazing
  1079.                                | Utility lets you mouse-click on a description
  1080.                                | in any dir and click it onto any other dir!
  1081.                                | Automatically moves the file Description from
  1082.                                | the upload (or any) DIR category to any other
  1083.                                | category with fast, easy mouse action! GREAT
  1084.                                | FOR CDROM REORGANIZATION
  1085. PCF-4_0.ZIP   [0]  [ PCF 40 ] The ultimate filer for
  1086.                                | PCBOARD,PROBOARD PcExpress, RemoteAccess,
  1087.                                | SuperBBS and many others. Includes FILE_IDs
  1088.                                | in the filelist as well as GIF,PCX and BMP
  1089.                                | resolution. Can add uncompressed archive
  1090.                                | sizes of ZIP,ARJ and LZH. Easy to use in
  1091.                                | BATCH mode. Also supplies date checking.
  1092. PCFAE096.ZIP  [0]  PC-BOARD FILE AREA EDITOR 0.96 Have you got
  1093.                                | PCBFILER blues? Need the most complete file
  1094.                                | area editor for PC-Board? Well then here's
  1095.                                | FAE!! It does everything with such ease,
  1096.                                | you'll wonder how you ever went without it. A
  1097.                                | must have for any PC-Board SYSOP!
  1098. PCS2PCB.ZIP   [0]  This Utility will help you create file DIRs
  1099.                                | if you are a subscriber to Planet Connect
  1100.                                | Satellite service. This file extracts
  1101.                                | information from the transmited TIC files and
  1102.                                | creates a file listing for your users and
  1103.                                | saves you alot of editing time.
  1104. PDDFX100.ZIP  [0]  PDDFIX V1.00 s/w released 08/03/92. TICK
  1105.                                | utility to "fix" your PCBoard file dir
  1106.                                | descriptions, adding pipe () characters where
  1107.                                | necessary. PDDFIX was written in Turbo-C,
  1108.                                | using Binary file access for an EXTREMELY
  1109.                                | fast execution time! 'No-Hassle' command line
  1110.                                | parameters designed for batch file operation.
  1111.                                | Quick & Easy installation. Adapts to any
  1112.                                | changes in PCBoard or Tick's configuration
  1113.                                | files.
  1114. PDFM092B.ZIP  [0]  PDFM v0.92Abeta; PCBoard Deluxe File Manager
  1115.                                | Super alternative to PCBFiler! Performs more
  1116.                                | functions than PCBFiler but with a more
  1117.                                | intuitive, easy-to-use, and powerful
  1118.                                | user-interface. Eliminates the need for
  1119.                                | numerous stand-alone utility programs.
  1120.                                | Text-based windows, mouse support.
  1122.                                | For: PCBoard, TriBBS, System-X, Express
  1123. PKINS710.ZIP  [0]  PKinsert Version 7.10 released Jan 1st 1992
  1124.                                | Check archive integrity, insert comment/
  1125.                                | taglines, scan for virii, add and delete
  1126.                                | disclaimers, etc. Handles Zip, Lzh, Arj and
  1127.                                | Arcs w/in Arcs. Support for PCB V14.5a and
  1128.                                | *any* other BBS Software. Perfect SysOp
  1129.                                | hands-off u/l monitor! Highly configurable.
  1130.                                | Version 7.10 handles an unlimited number of
  1131.                                | archives, 4 BILLION nested archives, and a
  1132.                                | major reduction in memory requirements.
  1133. PRLST50.ZIP   [0]  Power List 5.0 - A utility allowing a user to
  1134.                                | create his own personal files list based on
  1135.                                | interest. Why download complete file list
  1136.                                | Users can also scan for files by date or
  1137.                                | text. Supports non-standard comports. Now
  1138.                                | allows adding dirs by range. Also includes a
  1139.                                | .PPE version for seamless integration into
  1140.                                | PCBoard 15.x systems.
  1141. PROCESS.ZIP   [0]  Process files based on its age (in days). All
  1142.                                | files in the default directory older than the
  1143.                                | specified days will be processed by the
  1144.                                | specified batch file or .EXE/.COM file. TC
  1145.                                | 2.0 source code included. Released to PD
  1146. PRODIZ1A.ZIP  [0]  o PRODIZ v1.1a. The Bug-Fix BETAo o release.
  1147.                                | PRODIZ is a FILE_ID.DIZo o manager for
  1148.                                | PCBoard SysOps ando o their Users. Supports
  1149.                                | .ZIP ando o .ARJ files. Creates FILE_ID.DIZo
  1150.                                | o from PCBFILES.LST. Local uploadso o for
  1151.                                | SysOps, CRC tests and Viruso o scan archives.
  1152.                                | Very easy to use.o o Requires BRUN45.EXE to
  1153.                                | run.o
  1154. PURGE30.ZIP   [0]  PURGE old and outdated files. NOW A FREE
  1155.                                | UTILITY FOR ALL PCBOARD SYSOPS! - ENJOY
  1156. PWAALE10.ZIP  [0]  [ AMI-X Leech v1.00 by Timecop / PWA ] Allows
  1157.                                | your privledged users to download any file
  1158.                                | located on your system. Simple and effective.
  1159.                                | Source is included. PPE for use with PCBoard
  1160.                                | 15.2+ only.
  1161. PWAEQU10.ZIP  [0]  Enhanced Quick Uploader v1.0 by Drew Do your
  1162.                                | blind uploads the CORRECT way: no more
  1163.                                | choking if you already have files flagged for
  1164.                                | download. Features lightbars, private message
  1165.                                | to the sysop, and source code. Another PPE
  1166.                                | written in PPL 3.0 for PCBoard 15.2 only,
  1167.                                | courtesy of PWA.
  1168. PWAFDS10.ZIP  [0]  [ PCB File DIR Shrinker v1.0 - Timecop ] Trim
  1169.                                | your file DIR listings down to size with this
  1170.                                | useful utility. Blow away all those
  1171.                                | multi-file descriptions by keeping only the
  1172.                                | first line. Executes incredibly fast and
  1173.                                | automatically sorts the listing
  1174.                                | alphabetically. Brought to you by PWA!
  1175. PWAFV25R.ZIP  [0]  PWA File Viewer v2.5 [ By Defcon 4 ] Zip File
  1176.                                | Viewer that improves the good old PCBFV with
  1177.                                | unheard of configurabilty. Many Changes and
  1178.                                | fixes from 2.2. Also supports Viglante's new
  1179.                                | flag PPE. Read history file for complete list
  1180.                                | of changes
  1181. PWA_FR10.ZIP  [0]  PWA-FR Files-Reverse v1.0 by Mass Murderer
  1182.                                | View the Newest Files Uploaded First!
  1183.                                | Features : Multiple Conferences, Hotkeys File
  1184.                                | Numbering, Seperators, and more!
  1185. PWRAP106.ZIP  [0]  PCBWrap v1.06, DOS utility: PCBoard filelist
  1186.                                | offline reformatter. Freeware (c) 1994
  1187.                                | [94/08/09] by DDA - Reign Ware. W/ Pascal
  1188.                                | source. New: faster & more powerful.
  1189. Q-LD200.ZIP   [0]  LOCALDEL v2.00 of (06/12/94) - [Q-TiP!]
  1190.                                | LOCALDEL is THE Util for all you lazy &
  1191.                                | trading Sysops doing Local Uploads like hell
  1192.                                | - No more Exit to Dos necessary to delete the
  1193.                                | files from your temp dir! LOCALDEL will do
  1194.                                | this for you! `-* V2.00 SUPPORTS MULTIPLE
  1195.                                | DIRECTORIES *-'
  1196. Q-ND062.ZIP   [0]  NUKEDUKE v0.62 of (11/14/94) - (Q-TIP!)
  1197.                                | NUKEDUKE: the best nuker ever made for
  1198.                                | pcboard! multiple files nuking/awarding/
  1199.                                | commenting, description editor, dummy file
  1200.                                | creator, free dl maker, flag.ppe style space
  1201.                                | tagging, wildcard support, top nuked users
  1202.                                | highscore, turbo mode for hi-speed nuking,
  1203.                                | lots of options and much much more Leech it!
  1204. Q-UBP102.ZIP  [0]  UBPLUS v1.02 of (06/11/94) (Q-TIP) An
  1205.                                | ULBY.PPE Application, to add the Diz/2-PCB
  1206.                                | did not process a File (.exe, etc.)
  1207. Q-ZZ146.ZIP   [0]  ZIPZAP v1.46 of (07.11.94) - (Q-TIP 1994) -/
  1208.                                | The Ultimate PCBoard Upload Processor \-
  1209.                                | Supporting ZIP/ARJ/LZH/LHA/TXT/GIF Files,
  1210.                                | Adds No. of Files, Date of .Nfo and .Diz or
  1211.                                | Date of Newest and Oldest File to the Desc.
  1212.                                | Adds Uncompressed Size & Compression Ratio.
  1213.                                | Performs Agecheck on .Nfo/.Diz or the Newest
  1214.                                | File. Searches File_id.diz for unwanted Lines
  1215.                                | Adds Files to the Archive, Removes BBS-Ads
  1216.                                | from Archive. Character Translation available
  1217. QAZ_230.ZIP   [0]  QAZ v2.30 views the directories of all the
  1218.                                | major archive formats, including many self-
  1219.                                | extractors. Recognizes: ARC, ARJ, DWC, LZH,
  1220.                                | HAP, SIT, SQZ, TAR, ZIP, ZOO, and lots more
  1221.                                | archivers from the depths of the cybernetic
  1222.                                | ether. Listing can be sorted and customized
  1223.                                | in a variety of ways. QAZ can even search a
  1224.                                | disk for archives with specified filespecs,
  1225.                                | dates or sizes. Mac archive formats added.
  1226. QKILL100.ZIP  [0]  Qwik-Kill v1.00 - A small utility for killing
  1227.                                | files that are WASTING disk space. This is a
  1228.                                | File Area Maintenance utility that kills
  1229.                                | files that are in your download path but not
  1230.                                | actually listed in any of your DIR Files.
  1231.                                | This utility may be needed by you if you run
  1232.                                | a large file board, particularly if you run a
  1233.                                | LANTASTIC Network with multiple servers as
  1234.                                | PCBFiler doesn't like to delete files at
  1235.                                | times, especially with the above conditions.
  1236. QUPTST1.ZIP   [0]  A quick and easy batch file to test new
  1237.                                | uploads. Requires SCAN, PKZIP, TESTFIL3,
  1238.                                | STRIPZ12, SENDCOM and optionally, a CRC
  1239.                                | duplicate checking program.
  1240. QZC10.ZIP     [0]  EXCELLENT .ZIP Re-Commenter/Dater. Fast,
  1241.                                | easy, reliable! It will automatically process
  1242.                                | every file in the directory you run it in! I
  1243.                                | was able to process 648 files in under 3
  1244.                                | minutes in a 200k DV window on 386-25!
  1245. Q_ND062.ZIP   [0]  NUKEDUKE v0.62 of (11/14/94) - (Q-TIP!)
  1246.                                | NUKEDUKE: the best nuker ever made for
  1247.                                | pcboard! multiple files nuking/awarding/
  1248.                                | commenting, description editor, dummy file
  1249.                                | creator, free dl maker, flag.ppe style space
  1250.                                | tagging, wildcard support, top nuked users
  1251.                                | highscore, turbo mode for hi-speed nuking,
  1252.                                | lots of options and much much more Leech it!
  1253.                                | A must for every pirate system! ND now
  1254.                                | requires PCB 15.2! Unzip with -d !
  1255. RADLB105.ZIP  [0]  RADLab(tm) Version 1.05 An archive tester for
  1256.                                | PCBoard/ProDoor or any BBS system. Tests
  1257.                                | ZIP/ARJ/ARC/PAK/ self extracting
  1258.                                | ARJ/ZIP/LHA/LZH not to mention:
  1259.                                | LHA/LZH/TD0/GIF files. ZOO Version 2.0 and
  1260.                                | soon .DSM Amiga files, Date testing,
  1261.                                | re-compression, virii scanning, trojan
  1262.                                | testing, comment replacement, FILE_ID.DIZ and
  1263.                                | DESC.SDI insertion ( PCBoard and ProDoor Only
  1264.                                | ).
  1265. RBS_SYSD.ZIP  [0]  SYSOP DOWNLOAD 1.0 FOR PCB 15.21+ [PPE]
  1266. RECOMPR1.ZIP  [0]  ==================== PEGASUS * RECOMPRESS *
  1267.                                | Version 1.1 SAVE THAT DISK SPACE!!!
  1268.                                | RECOMPRESS is a Tiny Little Utility That will
  1269.                                | recompress ZIP files with Maximum
  1270.                                | Compression... Saving BYTES Will Run Single
  1271.                                | Files, Dir, or in PCBTEST.BAT to Recompress
  1272.                                | New Uploads FULLY FUNCTIONAL UNCRIPPLED
  1273.                                | SHAREWARE >>THIS VERSION IS MORE RELIABLE AND
  1274.                                | OS/2 FRIENDLY!<< ====================
  1276.                                | your callers that the newly uploaded file has
  1277.                                | not been fully checked by your system. Your
  1278.                                | callers will love not having to wait for real
  1279.                                | time upload checking. Version 1.1 - Requires
  1280.                                | 14.5a
  1281. S2D.ZIP       [0]  S2D.ZIP - PCBoard util that corrects the date
  1282.                                | formats in some CD-ROM lists for shareware.
  1283.                                | Changes dates from 01/01/95 to 01-01-95 using
  1284.                                | hyphens for correct PCB Displays.
  1285. S2P13.ZIP     [0]  PCS2PCB is a file dir maker for users of
  1286.                                | planet Connect Satellite delivery system,
  1287.                                | Iwrote this becouse of my need to post the
  1288.                                | incomming files for my callers to Download.
  1289.                                | Check it out!!!!
  1290. SAT115.ZIP    [0]  SAT 1.15, a PCBoard Professional Sysop Series
  1291.                                | program, handles the influx of files from the
  1292.                                | Planet Connect service for PCBoard Sysops.
  1293.                                | Features include: File moving, copying,
  1294.                                | deleting and tracking, network copies, Usenet
  1295.                                | BAG culling, important file alert messages,
  1296.                                | TIC file processing to PCBoard directories,
  1297.                                | with optional DIZ inclusion (many other
  1298.                                | options), definable logging levels. *FREE
  1299.                                | REGISTRATION*
  1300. SCN-225E.ZIP  [0]  VirusScan for DOS by McAfee, Inc. Scans and
  1301.                                | cleans PC's/LAN's for known and new viruses.
  1302.                                | Requires DOS 3.0+.
  1303. SCUM-FPS.ZIP  [0]  File Point / Commission System for PCBoard
  1304.                                | v15.1 Systems Finally a complete file control
  1305.                                | system simular to forum hacks methods only
  1306.                                | now for PCBoard!
  1307. SETARC11.ZIP  [0]  SetArc v1.1 - Will easily transpose the date
  1308.                                | stamps in your upload DIR with those posted
  1309.                                | by the popular new file handlers. Changes are
  1310.                                | date sensitive. Fast & Easy to use. Current
  1311.                                | version will handle the following:
  1312. SF11FDS.ZIP   [0]  - SYSFILES.PPE v1.1 Sysfiles is a simple
  1313.                                | utility for remote sysops to upload and
  1314.                                | download files directly to the system
  1315.                                | directories by entering a path with the
  1316.                                | filenames. This version also includes a
  1317.                                | feature for local sysops to run and test PPE
  1318.                                | programs. FREEWARE Coded by Ram Drive
  1319. SF2PCB20.ZIP  [0]  SF2PCB Version 2.0 - converts file directory
  1320.                                | listings from Spitfire 3.x format or the
  1321.                                | FILES.BBS directories found on many popular
  1322.                                | CD-ROM disks into PCBoard 14.5+ format
  1323.                                | directory files. Quick and easy to use.
  1324. SIK_UP10.ZIP  [0]  Auto-Uploader v1.0.
  1325. SPLITDIR.ZIP  [0]  SPLIT-DIR v1.0 Utility for PFED Splits large
  1326.                                | PCB dirs into smaller ones
  1327. SPLTTR10.ZIP  [0]  SPLITTER v1.0 - A utility allowing a SysOp to
  1328.                                | take a very large, useless DOWNLOAD.TXT file
  1329.                                | and split it into 2 files. The first of which
  1330.                                | holds all upload entries and the other holds
  1331.                                | all download entries. I then delete the
  1332.                                | original as well as the download info but you
  1333.                                | can archive it if you like. FREEBEE! If it
  1334.                                | helps you then I have not wasted time.
  1335. SPOTV200.ZIP  [0]  SpotChek v2.o PCB v14.5+ Upload File
  1336.                                | Processor. Includes File_id,Archive
  1337.                                | Conversion, Message Posting,Dupe
  1338.                                | Check,TrashCan, Virus Scan,Comments,Ad
  1339.                                | Files,Strip Files,CRC Check,Configurable
  1340.                                | Screens, Move File offline,"TackFile" etc....
  1341.                                | Too many features to mention. Nifty New
  1342.                                | Config Program included.
  1343. SQLAB22.ZIP   [0]  SQUILAB(tm) Version 2.2 PCB Upload-Checker,
  1344.                                | CRC-Check, Virus-Scan, Inserts FILE_ID.DIZ,
  1345.                                | ZIP-Comment and -AV, BBSad insert, Checks all
  1346.                                | PCB-Dirs for Duplicates, Age check, Deletes
  1347.                                | unwanted BBS-Ad's, Checks EXE, Trashcan for
  1348.                                | AV, Checks GIF integrity and inserts
  1349.                                | resolution into description...and more NEW:
  1350.                                | detects ZIP version AUTOMATIC!! including:
  1351.                                | COM1-4, Speed up to 115200
  1352. SRTDSC28.ZIP  [0]  SORTDESC Ver. 2.8 Find file descriptions from
  1353.                                | either FILE_ID.DIZ or captured file
  1354.                                | listing(s) & move file to a different
  1355.                                | directory based on key words in that
  1356.                                | description, place description a separate
  1357.                                | listing. With options to add a "FILE_ID.DIZ"
  1358.                                | to archives that don't have them, remove
  1359.                                | graphic characters, match on names with
  1360.                                | different extensions, & more! ... From the
  1361.                                | author of PCB'MPORT.
  1362. SRTDSC31.ZIP  [0]  * SORTDESC Version 3.1* This utility wil find
  1363.                                | file descriptions (from FILE_ID.DIZ or TIC
  1364.                                | files, captured file listings(s), README
  1365.                                | files, etc.), then move files to a different
  1366.                                | directory based on key words in that
  1367.                                | description, and place the description in a
  1368.                                | separate listing ...with options to add a
  1369.                                | "FILE_ID.DIZ" to archives that don't have
  1370.                                | them, remove graphic characters, match on
  1371.                                | names with different extensions, more!
  1372. STRIPAV1.ZIP  [0]  STRIPAV 1.xx Strip Authenticity Verification
  1373.                                | data from PKWare ZIP files
  1374. STRIPPR.ZIP   [0]  PCBOARD DIR STRIPPER Convert PCBoard dir
  1375.                                | files to Files.BBS format. Most CD ROM doors
  1376.                                | understand Files.BBS format, not all
  1377.                                | understand PCBoard format. JOES BAR & GRILL
  1378.                                | BBS (317) 578-9294 - 10 GIGS.
  1379. STRIPUP1.ZIP  [0]  Utility to strip out that "Uploaded By:"
  1380.                                | message. Does one directory or multiple
  1381.                                | directories. FREEBEE!!!
  1382. S_S17.ZIP     [0]  Curtis Little's super file conversion program
  1383.                                | ShaspeShifter. This has to be THE one to use
  1384.                                | to switch all your files from PKZ101 to the
  1385.                                | new PKZ204e. Outstanding!!
  1386. T95GRAB4.ZIP  [0]  DiZ-GRABBER UTiLiTY PACKAGE v2.04 Created by
  1387.                                | TWiZTeD =eTa=TeST= Creates PCB 15.x File
  1388.                                | Lists & Areas Keeps track of Areas, Tapes, or
  1389.                                | CDs Duplicate File checking Index Moves
  1390.                                | No-Desc and Bad-CRC files Search by Date or
  1391.                                | Description Tag Files & Print or Save Listing
  1392. TAGGED10.ZIP  [0]  == TAGGED10.PPE == Version 1.0 Initial
  1393.                                | release of the first program that allows your
  1394.                                | users to keep a database of the files they
  1395.                                | want to download, ONLINE! Your users will
  1396.                                | love you for this new addition.
  1397. TERR-BUL.ZIP  [0]  Custom Uploader v1.0 PPE
  1398. TESTF10.ZIP   [0]  Testfile v1.0 * This is a drop in replacement
  1399.                                | for the TESTFILE.EXE that is sent with the
  1400.                                | PCBoard code. This executable will check the
  1401.                                | archive signature and return one of seven
  1402.                                | possible errorlevels. The formats supported
  1403.                                | are ARC, ARJ, LHA, PAK, SQZ, ZIP, and ZOO!
  1404. THDPRO-9.ZIP  [0]  THD ProScan Version 9-File/Upload Tester TEST
  1405.                                | ARC-ARJ-HYP-LHA-PAK-SQZ-ZIP-GIF-TD0 Perform
  1406.                                | up to three separate virus scans Complete
  1407.                                | Accurate file conversions. More features than
  1408.                                | previous versions. Imbedded file/directory
  1409.                                | testing, Heuristic testing and MUCH MORE!!!
  1410.                                | Special features for RA / RG / TG. Works with
  1411.                                | almost any BBS software.
  1412. THTNK1B4.ZIP  [0]  THT-Nuke Will nuke Files update user's BYTES
  1413.                                | Also can give Credit for File's sent, Can
  1414.                                | also send Messages to the User's informing
  1415.                                | them of why this was done. Supports ULBY.DAT
  1416.                                | and THT-TOP.PPE will adjust the BYTES !!!! v
  1417.                                | 1.004 for you all to test and Report problems
  1418.                                | if any to Me Please!!! Added UPLBY.DAT
  1419.                                | support with this one (SC)!!
  1420. THTUP118.ZIP  [0]  Full Screen Upload PPE for PCB 15.0 & PCB
  1421.                                | 15.1 Many new enhancment's in this version
  1422.                                | more ERROR Checking for Valid FileNames,
  1423.                                | Configurable as far as Where the Box will
  1424.                                | display on the Screen and some Colors. Now
  1425.                                | with Random Screens. Added Support For
  1426.                                | RoBoCom user's now if this is found to be
  1427.                                | true the ppe exits and uses the stock PCB
  1428.                                | Prompts.
  1429. TIC2DIR.ZIP   [0]  TIC2DIR is a utility for PCB SysOp's that are
  1430.                                | hooked into the FIDO FileBone system. This
  1431.                                | program will create a PCBoard DIR list of the
  1432.                                | files you receive from the FileBone using the
  1433.                                | descriptions in the .TIC files that accompany
  1434.                                | each of the archive files. You can then paste
  1435.                                | this listing into one of your PCB DIR lists
  1436.                                | instead of going thru the aggrivation of
  1437.                                | uploading and entering descriptions for ones
  1438.                                | without FILE_ID.DIZ.
  1439. TTPCFG13.ZIP  [0]  Tic-2-PCB Configuration file manager v1.3
  1440.                                | This is an updated version that will allow
  1441.                                | editing of more than 300 file areas. This new
  1442.                                | version will allow up to 1040 areas to be
  1443.                                | entered. This should take care of the large
  1444.                                | selection of file areas offered by the newly
  1445.                                | found satelite systems. No documentation
  1446.                                | included.
  1447. TUNAC51S.ZIP  [0]  TUNAdCut Public Version 5.1 Shareware for
  1448.                                | DOS/Windows/Networks. Removes ANY type of BBS
  1449.                                | Ads from Zip File No Matter what the type.
  1450.                                | Random filenames to encrptyed VGA loaders.
  1451.                                | Registered Version is30.00 Contact The
  1452.                                | TUNWarez Programming Team on TUN at
  1453.                                | (516)724-4047 Node 1 of 5 for more info Disk
  1454.                                | 1/1
  1455. TUNFDC5S.ZIP  [0]  TUN FILE_ID.DIZ AdCut for VX BBS's Version
  1456.                                | 5.0 Shareware unregisteredRemoves 1 line BBS
  1457.                                | AdsPassed Thru/Group Logosand annoying high
  1458.                                | ASCII letters from FILE_ID.DIZ before being
  1459.                                | imported to Your FileBaseMay be used as a
  1460.                                | stand alone program or on other BBS Software
  1461.                                | Registered Version5.00USDisk 1/1
  1462. TUNNUK10.ZIP  [0]  TUNNukePPE Version 2.0 A Better PFEDNUKE PPE.
  1463.                                | This one automates your Pfed Notices giving
  1464.                                | you form letter based on the PFED macros.No
  1465.                                | more sending Email that doesnt get read, or
  1466.                                | Deleted.Also features a Master Nuke Log
  1467.                                | giving you a detailed history of PFED Notices
  1468.                                | & confirming that a user recieved it. ALL
  1469.                                | screens/Prompts are 100% configurable & best
  1470.                                | of all,its 100% BACKDOOR FREE ! Reg. is $5
  1471.                                | Disk 1/1
  1472. TUNSCN1B.ZIP  [0]  TUNScan Version 1.00 Beta Tests the contents
  1473.                                | of ZIP files for Zip errors,unzips the ZIP
  1474.                                | file and scans for Virus infections. 100%
  1475.                                | configuable. A must for any user or SysOp
  1476.                                | Scan 2.1.0E with 7/18/94 DAT files included
  1477.                                | Prepared by BayBeVet and The Chairman of TUN
  1478. TUNVXSCN.ZIP  [0]  TUN ViSiON-X Upload Scanner Enhancement
  1479.                                | Utility Version 1.0a This program better
  1480.                                | scans uploaded files by sending the SysOp a
  1481.                                | notice with the filename username files
  1482.                                | infected and by which virus. In addition 9
  1483.                                | other configuable users may also be sent the
  1484.                                | same notice.A seperate configurable BAD area
  1485.                                | for infected files provides the sysop with
  1486.                                | better supervision of his BBS. Disk 1 of 1
  1487.                                | For usage with Macfee Scan
  1488. TXT2DIR.ZIP   [0]  TXT2DIR converts text listings of files which
  1489.                                | have filenames and descriptions on each line,
  1490.                                | but no file dates or sizes
  1491. T_FLM100.ZIP  [0]  TSS_FLM is a utility to create specialized
  1492.                                | filelists for PCBoard. Run it against a
  1493.                                | directory file, and you will get sveral
  1494.                                | smaller files broken down by month and year.
  1495.                                | We use this to provide users lists of files
  1496.                                | by time- frame, allowing them more specific
  1497.                                | offline searches. This also allows the caller
  1498.                                | to download only the filelists he/she wants,
  1499.                                | skipping files that are either too old or too
  1500.                                | new for their purposes. ___
  1501. T_QVR132.ZIP  [0]  This program is used at TSS for a quick and
  1502.                                | dirty alternative to the PCBFiler verify
  1503.                                | option. It will scan a PCB directory,
  1504.                                | checking the DLPATH.LSt specif- ied for each
  1505.                                | file. Files not found in the index are added
  1506.                                | to the the .MIS file, while those found got
  1507.                                | the the .NEW. VERY handy when you take a CD
  1508.                                | offline and need to get only it's files out
  1509.                                | of your dirs. Thos that are duplicated on
  1510.                                | other media will remain in the list if the
  1511. T_STR101.ZIP  [0]  TSS_Strip simply removes extended
  1512.                                | descriptions from PCBoard dir files. This is
  1513.                                | handy when your filelists become over-sized
  1514.                                | due to excessive DIZ graphics, etc.
  1515. UC2DIZ10.ZIP  [0]  UC2DIZ 1.0 - UCII / Diz Catcher For PCB
  1516.                                | Whoomp Here It Is! The first, the only, the
  1517.                                | quickest.. FILE_ID.DIZ extractor for the new
  1518.                                | UltraCompressor II archive utility! Better
  1519.                                | than SPAM!
  1520. UC2INS.ZIP    [0]  UC2INS.EXE The Ultra-Compressor II, new
  1521.                                | archiver which archives about 10-15% better
  1522.                                | then ARJ, very nice archiver indeed!
  1523.                                | UC2INFO.UC2 Info about the Ultra-Compressor
  1524.                                | II CRYSAF.UC2 Crypt and Safe module for the
  1525.                                | Ultra- Compressor II (UC2).
  1526. UFL100.ZIP    [0]  USER FILE LISTINGS's DOOR v1.00 UFL provides
  1527.                                | a way for users to CREATE and EDIT a file
  1528.                                | list of files that they contain on their
  1529.                                | system to provide a very wide range of file's
  1530.                                | that can be requested by other users. They
  1531.                                | can EDIT their own list, and view others.
  1532.                                | U/Ling & D/Ling is done threw UFL as well.
  1533.                                | All maintnance is done by UFL. A REALLY
  1534.                                | USEFUL ONLINE PROGRAM.... Sends request slips
  1535.                                | to owners, "15" Total
  1536. ULP286.ZIP    [0]  UpLoadProcessor/286 1.07a - This archive
  1537.                                | contains the 80286+ executables ONLY; also
  1538.                                | download ULP107A.ZIP to get the entire 1.07a
  1539.                                | package! You MUST be a registered user of ULP
  1540.                                | and have your registration code/key for these
  1541.                                | executables to operate.
  1542. ULP2_205.ZIP  [0]  UpLoadProcessor/2 for OS/2 v2.05. Now the
  1543.                                | premier upload processing system is available
  1544.                                | in a multi-threaded 32-bit native OS/2
  1545.                                | version!* NOTE: This archive is not a
  1546.                                | complete package; it contains the OS/2 files
  1547.                                | only. The general release archive ULP_205.ZIP
  1548.                                | must also be downloaded for the complete
  1549.                                | package!!! To install, simply copy these
  1550.                                | files to your DOS ULP 2.0x subdirectory.
  1551. ULP3_110.ZIP  [0]  UpLoadProcessor/386 1.10 - This archive
  1552.                                | contains the 80386+ executables ONLY and is
  1553.                                | not a complete package. You MUST also
  1554.                                | download ULP_110.ZIP to get the entire 1.10
  1555.                                | package! You must be a registered user of ULP
  1556.                                | and have your registration key for these
  1557.                                | executables to operate.
  1558. ULPCRC2.ZIP   [0]  UpLoadProcessor CRC calculator, release 2.
  1559.                                | Please help compile a CRC-32 database of BBS
  1560.                                | ads for the ULP system, allowing the removal
  1561.                                | of ads from uploads by ULP. This archive
  1562.                                | contains a CRC calculation program so that a
  1563.                                | sysop may simply send me a message listing
  1564.                                | the file name, CRC and file size of any BBS
  1565.                                | ads he or she finds. These files are also
  1566.                                | contained in the ULP090H and later archives.
  1567.                                | Thanks!
  1568. ULPPPE15.ZIP  [0]  ULP_PPE Version 1.5 Beta Inform your users
  1569.                                | why their upload failed while they are online
  1570.                                | and automatically send them a private message
  1571.                                | letting them know their upload failed, incase
  1572.                                | they are automated. Includes minor
  1573.                                | modification
  1574. ULPSMBIG.ZIP  [0]  ULPSM 1.06a - This is functionally equivalent
  1575.                                | to the distribution version of ULPSM
  1576.                                | contained in ULP106.ZIP, but supports 297 (!)
  1577.                                | upload directory areas instead of 24 as in
  1578.                                | the UpLoadProcessor release version.
  1579. ULP_205.ZIP   [0]  UpLoadProcessor v2.05 Detects,
  1580.                                | processes,converts archives,nested archives,
  1581.                                | imbedded pathed archives & sel. uncompressed
  1582.                                | files. Supts RAR
  1583. ULP_MSG.ZIP   [0]  Sample PCBTEST.BAT file from Michael Chen
  1584.                                | that uses the errorlevel returned by ULPTEST
  1585.                                | to send a canned message to the user who
  1586.                                | uploaded the file. Can be used for informing
  1587.                                | users of the status and disposition of the
  1588.                                | uploaded files.
  1590.                                | (PPE) Written by (A. J. King) PERFECT for
  1591.                                | PCBoard SYSOPS who want to support an AMIGA
  1592.                                | conference, Handles ALL AMIGA FILE_ID.DIZ
  1593.                                | formats, (DMS, EXE,TEXT) as well as '.LHA'
  1594.                                | filename support! (PCB currently only
  1595.                                | supports '.LZH'). ALSO no more asking for
  1596.                                | filename at the start of an upload! ALSO
  1597.                                | includes the 'RZ' command! V1.03 Fixes a
  1598.                                | major Bug. V2.00 Now Supports "Ulby.dat" &
  1599. UNZIP.ZIP     [0]  Info-ZIp's unzip OS/2 Utility (Marc Medow)
  1600. UPDIZ10.ZIP   [0]  UPDIZ.PPE 1.0 is a local file upload processo
  1601.                                | for PCBoard. Will automatically upload any
  1602.                                | number of files located in a subdirectory
  1603.                                | using PCBoard's local upload processing
  1604.                                | capabilities. Uses your own PCBTEST.BAT to
  1605.                                | verify each file. Easy configuration and
  1606.                                | cleans up after itself. Shareware by QIS.
  1607. UPL201.ZIP    [0]  UPLoad Processor v2.01 for PCBoard 15.21
  1608.                                | UPL.PPE: The fastest Upload Processor ever
  1609.                                | made, now in PPLC. Features: Automatic file
  1610.                                | type detection, Virus Scanning, CRC Check,
  1611.                                | CRC Database, Automatic file_id.diz
  1612.                                | insertion, Log, Multi_conf support, special
  1613.                                | extensions
  1614. VACATN12.ZIP  [0]  VACATION v1.2. For PCBOARD SysOps. Moves file
  1615.                                | descriptions from one PCB directory to
  1616.                                | another according to the filedate in the
  1617.                                | first directory. Gives SysOp automatic
  1618.                                | control over when files should appear in the
  1619.                                | upload directory. Now, you can go on a two
  1620.                                | week vacation and still make those local
  1621.                                | uploads! Freeware.
  1622. VDO_UPLD.ZIP  [0]  VooDoo Upload PPE v1.o1b Nice Upload PPE !!!
  1623.                                | Try it !!!
  1624. VIEWARJ.ZIP   [0]  ViewARJ v1.00 This utility is like the
  1625.                                | ViewZIP utility distributed with the PCBoard
  1626.                                | package. Syntax is the same as that of
  1627.                                | ViewZIP.
  1628. VIG-FD10.ZIP  [0]  PWA Presents: FixDiz v1.0 Ever try to import
  1629.                                | LZH or LHA diz's and only got the first line
  1630.                                | to show up? Then this utility is for you.
  1631.                                | Source included
  1632. VIP-72B9.ZIP  [0]  Vip version 7.2 b9 Handles ZIP, ARJ or LHA
  1633.                                | files. Convert LHA, ARJ & ZIP to ARJ or ZIP
  1634.                                | files. Scan or test ARJ, LHA, ZIP files. Tag
  1635.                                | desired files for extraction. Delete or edit
  1636.                                | individual files within the archive. Requires
  1637.                                | 286, DOS 5 or higher & PkZip 2.04 or newer.
  1638.                                | Handles archives containing up to 25000
  1639.                                | files. Simple screen saver And more..
  1640.                                | Registration $15 ($25 commercial use)
  1641. WADTLSV1.ZIP  [0]  WAD Tools for WAD DIZ'ing PAK v1.0 DOOM I,
  1642.                                | DOOM ][ and Heretic WAD's WADDIZ by BAD
  1643.                                | SECTOR, Pulls information out of WAD's and
  1644.                                | creates a nice DIZ file. If an orginal DIZ is
  1645.                                | found it appends it to it's own description.
  1646.                                | WADLIST by MEGABIT, Goes through PCBoard DIR
  1647.                                | files looking for WADDIZed WAD's and creates
  1648.                                | a nice list of them complete
  1649. WIPEV076.ZIP  [0]  WIPE [PPE2] V0.76 - PCB 15.1+ TB -FAKER PPE
  1650.                                | (PPLC V2.0) for PCBOARD V15.1+ - Delete/Move
  1651.                                | Fake Files - Create DUMMY files to prevent
  1652.                                | double U/L - Adjust Bytes for all USER(S)
  1653.                                | downloaded a faked file! - Adjust Bytes for
  1654.                                | faked USER(s). - Write all changes to
  1655.                                | filelist - Easy-to-use DUMMY-file(s) creator
  1656.                                | editor - Fully configurable for each user. -
  1657.                                | Fast: access all matchdata in a 1 MB
  1658. WPCBFLR8.ZIP  [0]  Paul Beda's Windows PCB File Manager 0.8 Beta
  1659.                                | release of an MDI-based Windows 3.x program
  1660.                                | for editing PCBoard 14.5a file directories.
  1661.                                | Cut-and-paste, flexible formatting. Looking
  1662.                                | for feedback before a 1.0 release which will
  1663.                                | include drag and drop, bulletin generation,
  1664.                                | and more. Requires VBRUN200.DLL.
  1665. XDIZ26E!.ZIP  [0]  XDIZ v2.6e [*DateFix*] DateCheck-Fix for
  1666.                                | registered users! 2.6e Extracts FILE_ID.DIZ &
  1667.                                | DESC.SDI from ZIP, ARJ, LZH,RAR, SQZ,AIN
  1668.                                | archives,
  1669. XPCBPTH2.ZIP  [0]  XPCBPATH Version 1.2 (FREEWARE) Works around
  1670.                                | PCBoard's 30 character limit on paths and
  1671.                                | filespecs in PCBSetup. Now you can use
  1672.                                | CD-ROM's that have a very deeply nested
  1673.                                | directory structure requiring long path specs
  1674.                                | up to 80 characters.
  1675. Z2-MERGE.ZIP  [0]  ZDCS Merge Utility for ZDCS 2.0x databases.
  1676.                                | This utility allows users to combine multiple
  1677.                                | databases into your main system database.
  1678. ZARC-50.ZIP   [0]  ZARC - Zip utility. Zip tagged files easily.
  1679.                                | Version 5 Has more features. You can easily
  1680.                                | create, update, freshen, or move files. Uses
  1681.                                | LIST to view text files. Backup an entire
  1682.                                | directory on diskettes or hard-drive. Works
  1683.                                | with PKZIP version 2.04 and DOS 5 or newer.
  1684.                                | Works just fine with DoubleSpace. Reg. $10
  1685. ZCKR201.ZIP   [0]  Zip Chunker 2.01 - Fast! ZIP File Splitter by
  1686.                                | Jibben Software. Zip Chunker splits and sizes
  1687.                                | all types of files, including ZIP files. Will
  1688.                                | split to a size to fit specific floppy format
  1689.                                | or to user determined size. Files except ZIP
  1690.                                | files can be rejoined. Supports PKZIP 1.x/2.x
  1691.                                | files. ZIP files can be split so that they
  1692.                                | will extract to fit on a specific floppy size.
  1693. ZCP301.ZIP    [0]  Zip Chunker Pro 3.01 - Fast! ARC, ARJ, LHZ,
  1694.                                | ZIP Splitter for DOS, OS/2, & Win32. ZCP by
  1695.                                | Jibben Software splits and sizes all types of
  1696.                                | files, including archived files. Will split
  1697.                                | to a size to fit specific floppy format or to
  1698.                                | user determined size. Files except archives
  1699.                                | can be rejoined. Supports ARC, ARJ, PKZIP
  1700.                                | (1.1/2.x), LZH, and HYP. Archives can be
  1701.                                | split so that they will extract to fit on a
  1702.                                | specific floppy size.
  1704.                                | * * * PRODUCTION RELEASE! * * * Detect dupe
  1705.                                | files inside ZIP and ARJ files uploaded to a
  1706.                                | BBS. Direct interface to UpLoadProcessor
  1707.                                | (ULP), ZipLab and ExzTest. Simple to install,
  1708.                                | needs no external utils. LAN & DV friendly.
  1709.                                | Maintenance update to ZDCS 2.0x. Fully
  1710.                                | functional shareware.
  1711. ZIP2ZI31.ZIP  [0]  ZIP2ZIP v3.1. Batch Files To Use For
  1712.                                | Converting PKZip v.1.10 .ZIP Files To v.2.04
  1713.                                | Very Easy To Use From Cmd Line Or Automated.
  1714.                                | Does One File Or WildCard Family Or * For All
  1715.                                | In a Sub Directory. Revised for Zips In Zips.
  1716.                                | Skips the .Zip If Path Contains a .Zip. Keeps
  1717.                                | a Log Of Those Done Or Failed. Writes A
  1718.                                | Comment To The Converted .ZIP. Skips Those
  1719.                                | Files With That Comment On Next Run. For MS
  1720.                                | Or DR DOS. Is Configurable For Use In EVENTS.
  1721. ZIPCHAN1.ZIP  [0]  ==================== PEGASUS SOFTWARE'S *
  1722.                                | ZIPCHANGE * v1.0 ZIPCHANGE will automatically
  1723.                                | change the comment in any zip archive.
  1724.                                | Completely configurable, it will work on one
  1725.                                | directory, or up to 1000 directories -
  1726.                                | UNATTENDED!! FULLY FUNCTIONAL UNCRIPPLED
  1727.                                | SHAREWARE FROM: PEGASUS SOFTWARE *
  1728.                                | 813-481-5575
  1729. ZIPFO201.ZIP  [0]  Zipfo - Zipped file information utility New
  1730.                                | Updated Version 2.01 will quickly give you
  1731.                                | the following helpful information : The
  1732.                                | version of PKZIP used to zip the file, the
  1733.                                | uncompressed size, if the volume label was
  1734.                                | stored, if the subdirectories are stored, if
  1735.                                | maximal compression was used, and if it has a
  1736.                                | file_id diz. Useful to know if you need to
  1737.                                | use -$ or -d to unzip, or if it has a diz
  1738.                                | file when uploading. Maritime Computer
  1739. ZIPID96B.ZIP  [0]  ZiPiD VeRSiON .96eTa! Ever Wondered what
  1740.                                | format a .ZIP is? Hate doing that annoying
  1741.                                | PKUnZIP -v and judging from the compression
  1742.                                | method what file format it is? Want PkZip to
  1743.                                | return an ERRORLEVEL telling what format it
  1744.                                | is?! This does it, and more.... Identifies:
  1745.                                | PkZip 1.10 and 2.xx, ARJ 2.xx, LHA 2.xx, and
  1746.                                | ARC!
  1747. ZL135.ZIP     [0]  Ziplog Shareware v1.35 is for SysOps that
  1748.                                | like keeping things in order, Ziplog archives
  1749.                                | files into the date format of
  1750.                                | <YR><MO><DY><HR>.<Archiver EXT>. You can
  1751.                                | configure it so that you can use PKZIP, ARJ,
  1752.                                | LZH,... and you can also configure it so that
  1753.                                | you can archive certain files like *.*,
  1754.                                | *.log, *.hlp, Activity.001, or what ever
  1755.                                | else. Ziplog now has extensions that let you
  1756.                                | delete FILESPEC (in Ziplog.cfg), let you
  1757. ZL2B0217.ZIP  [0]  ZipLab PLUS - 2..11 Upload Tester
  1758.                                | PCBoard/ProDoor Specific Compiled 02/17/93 at
  1759.                                | 7:46pm * Wide-area BETA of version 2.0 *
  1760.                                | Upload testing for PCBoard/ProDoor Now
  1761.                                | supports PCBoard /M (Fossil) Seamless
  1762.                                | integration with ZDCS $15 Shareware by
  1763.                                | Jeffrey S. Morley
  1764. ZLABSCRS.ZIP  [0]  ZipLab 2.0 Upload Test result screens. Shows
  1765.                                | tests that were performed and their results.
  1766.                                | Archive includes PASS & FAIL screens with
  1767.                                | installation instructions.
  1768. ZP20-DOM.ZIP  [0]  Zip Processor v2.0 coded by Drake [] Remove
  1769.                                | -AV info from ZIP's [] Check ZIP's for CRC
  1770.                                | errors [] Add ZIP comment [] Remove ordinary
  1771.                                | BBS ads [] Remove BBS ads with RANDOM name
  1772.                                | and VARYING size [] Multitasker compatible []
  1773.                                | User definable workdrive [] Counts everything
  1774.                                | done and
  1775. ZT10.ZIP      [0]  ZipTest 1.0 - A standalone Zip file test
  1776.                                | utility (PKUNZIP.EXE not required). Will test
  1777.                                | one or more Zip files and report results for
  1778.                                | each file tested to the screen or designated
  1779.                                | text file. Will extract FILE_ID.DIZ to text
  1780.                                | file as well. Ideal for BBS file upload
  1781.                                | testing. $10.00 Shareware from New-Ware.
  1782. ZT280.ZIP     [0]  ZIPTOOL v2.80 Great ZIP utility, Splits large
  1783.                                | ZIP files into smaller ZIPs, Combines
  1784.                                | multiple ZIP files together as one ZIP, Copy
  1785.                                | or Move tagged or untagged files from within
  1786.                                | the ZIP to another ZIP without having to
  1787.                                | UNZIP the file first, Extract tagged or
  1788.                                | untagged files to a user defined path, Mouse
  1789.                                | Driven, Zooming Windows. Now you can view ANY
  1790.                                | size Zipfile !! Support for up to 2.1 GIG
  1791.                                | Zipfiles !! << Just $10.00 to register >>
  1792. ZTESTR1.ZIP   [0]  ZTESTR1 v1.00 Release 1 ZIP DOWNCONVERTER
  1793.                                | Converts zips zipped with v2.04c to v1.10
  1794.                                | Allows upload test programs that aren't
  1795.                                | compatible with the new PKzip version to test
  1796.                                | the upload without crashing your system.
  1797. ZURS1.ZIP     [0]  ZDCS/ULP REMOTE SHELL v1.0Beta - Automatical
  1798.                                | ly create zdcstest.chk and verify.ulp files
  1799.                                | that allow you to pre-test your uploads.
  1800.                                | Quick and easy to use, will run from inside
  1801.                                | your terminal program. req VGA.
  1802. ZZAP66A.ZIP   [0]  Universal automated archive conversion.
  1803.                                | Supports all known archive programs. Convert
  1804.                                | archive type, test integrity, scan for
  1805.                                | viruses, validate program CRC's. Properly
  1806.                                | handles nested archives. NEW, support for
  1807.                                | self-extracting archives (SFX). Fully
  1808.                                | configurable. Several user "hooks" supported.